4.Build Triggering

Besides the build triggers mentioned above, you can also trigger Run Custom Build Dialog.
Since TeamCity 5.1 Build triggering UI has been changed. Instead of adding triggers in the dedicated tabs, use Add New Trigger dialog, which is invoked by clicking corresponding link. In this dialog, choose the required trigger type and proceed with options:
Trigger type
Options Description
VCS Trigger
Options for this trigger type are the same as described in VCS Triggers.
Schedule Trigger
Options for this trigger type are the same as described in Schedule Triggers.
Build Dependency Trigger
Build dependency trigger adds build to the queue after successful build of the selected configuration.
Maven Artifact Dependency Trigger
Options for this trigger type are the same as in Dependencies Triggers.
Maven Snapshot Dependency Trigger
Maven snapshot dependency trigger adds a new build to the queue when any of the snapshot dependencies is updated in the remote repository.
Retry Build Trigger
Retry build trigger adds new build to the queue if the previous build failed.
Note that if you create a build configuration from a template it inherits build triggers defined in the template, and they cannot be edited, or deleted. However, you can specify additional build triggers.
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