Logs of Internal Events
Last modified: 20 April 2023TeamCity uses http://logging.apache.org/log4j for internal logging of events. The following logging rules are used:
For additional option on logging tweaking please consult Reporting Issues section.
TeamCity server logs
Default TeamCity server Log4J configuration file is <TeamCity home>/conf/teamcity-server-log4j.xml
TeamCity server logs are placed to <TeamCity home>/logs
directory and prefixed with teamcity-
Since TeamCity 5.1 you can enable server debug logging from the web UI: go to the Administration | Server Configuration | Diagnostics tab and click Enable debug.
Log Files
File name | Description |
| General server log |
| Log of build starting and user-initiated events |
| Log of VCS-related messages |
| (off by default) SVN integration log |
| (off by default) TFS integration log |
| (off by default) StarTeam integration log |
| (off by default) ClearCase integration log |
| (off by default) Performance-related log |
| (off by default) LDAP-related log |
You can configure location of the logs by altering the value of teamcity_logs property (passed to JVM via -D
option). You can also change Log4J configuration file location by changing value of log4j.configuration property. See corresponding documentation TeamCity Startup Properties on how to pass the options.
If you used the WAR-distribution to install TeamCity, by default you should be able to find teamcity.log
file in the <J2EEContainer>/logs
To use default settings if you start the web server using your own script make sure you pass the following JVM options:
-Dlog4j.configuration=file:../conf/teamcity-server-log4j.xml -Dteamcity_logs=../logs/
Build agent logs
Default build agent Log4J configuration file is <agent home>/conf/teamcity-agent-log4j.xml
Build agent logs are placed into <agent home>/logs
Log Files
File name | Description |
| General build agent log |
| log of the build agent upgrade (logged by the upgrading process) |
| log of the agent's monitoring/launching process |
| (only present when the agent is run as Windows service or by Java Service Wrapper) output of the process build agent launching process |
You can configure location of the logs by altering the value of teamcity_logs property (passed to JVM via -D
option). You can also change Log4J configuration file location by changing value of log4j.configuration property. See corresponding documentation TeamCity Startup Properties on how to pass the options.
Thanks for your feedback!