You are viewing the documentation for an earlier version of TeamCity.

RSS Feed

Last modified: 20 April 2023

TeamCity enables you to obtain information about the finished builds, or about the builds with the changes of particular users, via RSS feed. You can configure RSS feed from the TeamCity Tools sidebar of My Settings and Tools, or from the Build Configuration Home Page. TeamCity produces a URL to the syndication feed on the base of the values, which you specify in the Feed URL Generator page.

Supported Additional URL parameters

In addition to the URL parameters available in the Feed URL Generator, the following parameters are supported:

By default the feed is generated as Atom feed, add &feedType=rss_0.93 to the feed URL to get the feed in RSS 0.93 format.


Get builds from the TeamCity server located at "http://teamcity.server:8111" address, from the build configuration with internal id "bt1", limit the builds to the those started with the last hour but no more then 200 items:
