Viewing Currently Failing Tests and Build Configuration Problems for a Project
To view tests and build configurations that are currently failing in a project, open Project Home page and go to the Current Problems tab.
From this page you can:
Navigate to all tests failed within the last 120 hours for the project or for the particular build configuration within the project: to do so, click the corresponding link.
Navigate to a test's stacktrace by clicking it's name.
Navigate to build results, view short or full build log, download build log, and more: click the arrow next to the build results link.
Assign responsibility for a particular test.
Open particular test in IDE.
Viewing Tests Failed within Last 120 Hours
To view all the tests failed within last 120 hours for a project, from the Project Home page go to the Current Problems tab and click the view all tests failed within the last 120 hours link. The Problematic Tests tab is opened, where for each test you can view the total number of test runs, failure count and last time the test failed.
To view problematic tests for a specific build configuration, select this configuration from the Show problematic tests for drop-down list.
Viewing All Tests for a Build
To view all the tests for a particular build, open the build results page, and navigate to the Tests tab.
On this page:
Download all tests in CSV
Click the link to download a file containing all the build tests results.
Filtering options
Use this area to filter the test list thus excluding unnecessary items:
Select the type of items to view: tests, suites, packages/namespaces or classes.
Type in the string (e.g. test name from the list) thus providing change of scope for the list.
Select status of test.
Select the number of tests to be shown on a page.
Shows the status (OK, Ignored, and Failure) of the test. Failed tests are shown in a red Failure link, which you can click to view and analyze the test failure details. Click the header above this column to sort the table by status.
Click name of a class, a namespace/package, or a suite to view only items that are included in it. Click the arrow next to the test name to view test history, assign responsibility for the failed test, or open the failed test in IDE.
Shows the time it took to complete the test. Click the button to view the Test Duration Graph popup (Test-Duration-Graph).
Shows the sequence in which the tests were run. Click the header above this column to sort by test order number.
Viewing Particular Test's History
To navigate to a particular test's history, click the arrow next to the test name and select Test History from the drop-down as shown in the currentProblems above. There are several places where tests are listed and from where you can open Test History. For example:
Projects | <build with failed tests> | build results drop-down
Clicking the Test history link opens the Test details page where you can find following information:
Test details section including test success rate and test's run duration data:
Test duration graph. For more information, please refer to the TestDurationGraph description below.
Complete test history table, that contains information about the test status, its duration, and information on a build this test was run.
Test Duration Graph
The test duration graph is useful for comparing the amount of time it takes individual tests to run on the builds of this build configuration.
Test duration results are only available for the builds which are currently in the build history. Once a build has been Clean-Up this data is no longer available.
You can perform the following actions on the Test Duration Graph:
Filter out the builds that failed the test by clearing the Show failed option.
Calculate the daily average values by selecting the Average option.
Click a build's test duration dot plotted on the graph to jump to the corresponding build results Build Results page.
View a build summary in the tooltip of a build's test duration dot, and navigate to the corresponding Build Results page.
Filter information by agents by selecting or clearing a particular agent or by clicking All or None links to select or clear all agents.