Launch the installer and proceed with steps of the installation wizard. Among the typical options, TeamCity installer will ask you to specify following important settings:
You can select whether you want to install Windows services for server and agent, or not. If installed, you'll be able to use standard Windows Services applet to manage the services. Otherwise, you can use standard runStopServer to stop/start server and agent.
Configuration directory: This is the directory on the file system used by TeamCity to store configuration and system files. It is usually named .BuildServer. Please, refer to the TeamCity Data Directory page for more details.
By default, the port (80) is specified to be used. If you leave it as is, the TeamCity web UI can be accessed via "http://localhost/" address in a web browser. However, it is recommended to specify another port, because 80 port might be already used by other programs (e.g. Skype, or other web servers like IIS). In this case server will be accessed at "http://localhost:<port>/" address.
After TeamCity is installed:
If you want to edit the TeamCity server's service parameters, memory settings or system properties after the installation, please refer to the Configuring TeamCity Server Startup Properties section.
If you cannot access TeamCity web UI after successful installation, please refer to Troubleshooting TeamCity Installation Issues section.