Last modified: 20 April 2023NUnit build runner is intended to run NUnit tests right on the TeamCity server. However, there are other ways to report NUnit tests results to TeamCity, please refer to the NUnit Support page for the details.
NUnit Test Settings
NUnit runner | Select NUnit version to be used to run the tests. |
.NET Runtime | From the Platform drop-down select the desired execution mode on a x64 machine. Supported values are: Auto (MSIL) (default), x86 and x64. From the Version drop-down select the desired .NET Framework version. |
Run tests from | Specify the .NET assemblies, where the NUnit tests to be run are stored. Multiple entries are comma-separated; usage of MSBuild wildcards is enabled. In the following example, TeamCity will search for the tests assemblies in all project directories and run these tests.
Do not run tests from | Specify .NET assemblies that should excluded from the list of found assemblies to test. Multiple entries are comma-separated; usage of MSBuild wildcards is enabled. In the following example, TeamCity will omit tests specified in this directory.
NUnit categories include | Specify NUnit categories of tests that should be run. Multiple entries are comma-separated. |
NUnit categories exclude | Specify NUnit categories that should be excluded from the tests to be run. Multiple entries are comma-separated. |
Run a process per assembly | Select this option, if you want to run each assembly in a new process. |
Reduce test failure feedback time | Use this option to instruct TeamCity to run some tests before others. |
Code Coverage
To learn about configuring code coverage options, please refer to the Configuring .NET Code Coverage page.
See also:
Administrator's Guide: Configuring Unit Testing and Code Coverage | NUnit Support
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