Snapshot Dependencies
Last modified: 20 April 2023Setting the dependency by other build's sources you can ensure that a build will start only after the one it depends from is run and finished. See details at Dependent Build.
To add a snapshot dependency, on the Dependencies page of the build configuration settings, click the Add new snapshot dependency and specify a build configuration that the current build configuration should depend on.
Reusing builds
Instead of enforcing running all builds from a build chain, TeamCity can check whether there are already «suitable» builds, i.e. finished builds that used the required sources snapshot. Matching queued builds will not be run and will be dropped from the queue; instead TeamCity will link the dependency to those builds. To enable this, select Do not run new build if there's a suitable one when configuring snapshot dependency options.
Another option that allows you to flexibly re-use builds is called «Only use successful builds from suitable ones» and it may help when there's a suitable build, but it isn't successful. Normally when there's a failed build in chain, TeamCity doesn't proceed with the rest of the chain. However with this option enabled, TeamCity will run this failed build on these sources one more time. When is this helpful? For example, when the build failure was caused by a problem when connecting to VCS.
Run build even if dependency failed
When this option is enabled, a build of A will run after build B is finished, even if B failed.
Run build on the same agent
This option was designed for the cases when a build from build chain modifies system environment, and the next build relies on that system state and thus has to run on the same build agent.
See also:
Concepts: Dependent Build
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