Last modified: 20 April 2023Any modification of the source code which you introduce. If a change has been committed to the version control system, but not yet included in a build, it is considered pending for a certain build configuration.
TeamCity suggests several ways to view changes:
Viewing Your Changes page shows the list ofyour changes and how they have affected different builds.
Pending changes are accessible from the Projects page, build configuration page, or build results page.
Viewing and analyzing changes involves the following possibilities:
Observing actual changes that are already included in the build, in the Changes link on the Projects page.
Observing pending changes in the Pending Changes tab of the the Build Configuration Home Page.
Navigating to the related issues in a bug tracking system.
Navigating to the source code and viewing differences.
Investigating Build Problems of a failed build, if your changes have caused a build failure.
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