Configuring Finish Build Trigger
In most of the cases finish build trigger should be used with snapshot dependencies, i.e. current build configuration where trigger is defined should have direct or indirect snapshot dependency on build configuration selected in the trigger. If there is no snapshot dependency the following limitations will occur:
it is likely that build of build configuration being triggered will not have the same revisions as finished build even if both configurations have the same VCS settings
if build configuration with finish build trigger has artifact dependency on last finished build of build configuration specified in trigger settings, there is no guarantee that artifacts of a build which caused build triggering will be used, because while triggered build sits in the build queue, another build can finish
build triggered by finish build trigger will always be triggered in default branch even if finished build has some other branch
All these limitations do not apply if build configuration with "Finish build trigger" has snapshot dependency to selected build configuration. In this case the trigger will run build on the same revisions and will attach build to the chain. It will also use consistent artifacts if they are produced by dependencies.
Thanks for your feedback!