Creating and Managing Users
Edit page Last modified: 28 March 2022What is User Account in TeamCity
User account is a combination of username and password that allows TeamCity users to sign in to the server and use its features. User accounts can be created manually, or automatically upon sign in depending on used authentication scheme (refer to the Authentication Modules section for more details).
Each user account:
Has an associated role that ensures access to all or specific TeamCity features through corresponding permissions. Learn more about roles and permissions.
Belongs to at least one user group. Learn more about user groups.
In addition to authenticated users, there is a special user account for non-registered users called Guest User. It allows browsing TeamCity projects without authorization. By default, guest login is disabled.
Only users with the respective permissions can create and edit other user accounts on the TeamCity server.
Creating New User
The Administration | Users page provides the Create user account option.
When creating a user account when several authentication modes enabled on the server, only a username is required.
If only the default authentication is used, the password is required as well. Any new user is automatically added to the All Users group and inherits the roles and permissions defined for this group. If you do not use per-project permissions, you can specify here whether a user should have administrative permissions or not. Otherwise, you can assign roles to this user later.
Editing User Account
To edit an existing user account, go to the Administration | Users page and click the name of the user. The page provides several tabs allowing you to modify various user account settings
The General tab allows modifying the username, email address, and password. Users can change their own username only if free registration is allowed on the server. The administrator can always change the username of any user.
Authentication Settings
The Authentication Settings section appears if several authentication modules are enabled on the server. Here you can edit usernames for different authentication modules such as LDAP and Windows Domain.
You can map external OAuth usernames with an existing TeamCity user. If a user with the respective username signs in to TeamCity via OAuth, TeamCity will be able to recognize them.
VCS Usernames
This tab allows viewing and editing default usernames for different VCSs used by the current user.
Multiple usernames are supported for a VCS root type and for a separate VCS root: several newline-separated values can be used for each VCS username.
The names set here will be used to:
show builds with changes committed by a user with such a VCS username on the Changes page
highlight such builds on the Projects page if the appropriate option is selected,
notify the user on such builds when the Builds affected by my changes option is selected in notifications settings.
Add User to Group
Use the Groups tab to view the groups the user belongs to and add/remove the user from groups.
Add User to Project
To add a user to a specific project and manage permissions this user has in it, you need to assign them with a certain role. Read how to manage roles.
The Roles tab for a user is available only if per-project permissions are enabled on the server Administration | Authentication page_. You can view this tab to view the roles assigned to the user directly and those inherited from groups. The roles assigned directly can be modified/removed here.
Assigning Roles to Users
To be able to grant roles to users on per-project basis, enable per-project permissions on the Administration | Authentication page. The Administration | Roles page lists all existing roles detailing their permissions.
There are several ways to assign roles to one or several users:
To assign a role to a specific user, on the Users tab for the user click View roles in the corresponding column. In the Roles tab, click Assign role.
To assign a role to multiple users, on the Users tab, check the boxes next to the usernames and use the Assign roles button at the bottom of the page.
To assign a role to all users in a group, on the Groups tab click View roles for the group in question, then assign a role on the group level.
When assigning a role, you can:
Select whether a role should be granted globally, or in particular projects.
Replace existing roles with the newly selected. This will remove all roles assigned to user(s)/group and replace them with the selected one instead.
Notification Rules
This tab displays notification rules for the user:
Own rules: rules configured by the user are displayed here and can be modified.
Inherited rules: rules inherited by the user from the groups they belong to.
Adding Multiple Users to Group
On the Administration | Users page, select users, click the Add to groups button at the bottom, and specify the groups to add the users to. Note that all these users will inherit the roles defined for the group.
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