Edit page Last modified: 06 May 2021The Gradle build runner runs Gradle projects.
To run builds with Gradle, Gradle 0.9-rc-1 or later must be installed on all the agent machines. Alternatively, if you use the Gradle wrapper, you need to have properly configured Gradle Wrapper scripts checked in to your Version Control.
The runner supports all Gradle build configurations, including build.gradle
and build.gradle.kts
To use the TeamCity server as an external dependency repository for Gradle builds, try the external TeamCity-Gradle plugin.
Gradle Parameters
Option | Description |
Gradle tasks | Specify Gradle task names separated by spaces. For example, |
Gradle build file | A path to the Gradle build file, relative to the working directory. If empty (default), Gradle uses own settings to determine it. |
Incremental building | TeamCity can make use of the Gradle |
Gradle home path | Specify here the path to the Gradle home directory (the parent of the |
Additional Gradle command line parameters | Optionally, specify the space-separated list of command line parameters to be passed to Gradle. |
Gradle Wrapper | If enabled, TeamCity will look for Gradle Wrapper scripts in the checkout directory, and launch the appropriate script with Gradle tasks and additional command line parameters specified in the fields above. In this case, Gradle specified in Gradle home path and Gradle installed on the agent are ignored. |
Run Parameters
Option | Description |
Debug | Selecting the Log debug messages checkbox is equivalent to adding the
Stacktrace | Selecting the Print stacktrace checkbox is equivalent to adding the |
Java Parameters
Option | Description |
JDK | Select a JDK. This section details the available options. The default is |
JDK home path | The option is available when <Custom> is selected above. Use this field to specify the path to your custom JDK used to run the build. If the field is left blank, the path to JDK Home is read either from the |
JVM command line parameters | You can specify such JVM command line parameters, for example, maximum heap size or parameters enabling remote debugging. These values are passed by the JVM used to run your build. Example:
Build properties
The TeamCity system parameters can be accessed in Gradle build scripts in the same way as Gradle properties. The recommended way to reference properties is as follows:
task printProperty {
doLast {
println "${teamcity['']}"
tasks.register("printProperty") {
doLast {
val teamcity: Map<*,*> by project
or if the system property's name is a legal name identifier (for example, system.myPropertyName = myPropertyValue
task printProperty {
doLast {
println "$myPropertyName"
tasks.register("printProperty") {
doLast {
val myPropertyName: String by project
Docker Settings
In this section, you can specify a Docker image which will be used to run the build step.
Code Coverage
The Gradle build runner supports code coverage with based on the IDEA code coverage engine and JaCoCo.
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