TeamCity Release Cycle
Edit page Last modified: 02 March 2022note
The information on this page can be used for reference purposes only.
Release Stages
Since version 2021.12, TeamCity adopts a new scheme of releases. We are discontinuing a former Early Access Program in favor of frequent and stable TeamCity Cloud releases, in which all features will be polished and ready to be used in production, but tested only in the Cloud environment.
The TeamCity Cloud infrastructure allows releasing new features more frequently than in On-Premises: they are now rolled out to the Cloud instances bimonthly. On-Premises instances can be upgraded to a new major version twice a year, exactly as before.
The default stages of a TeamCity release:
Release Stage | Description |
TeamCity Cloud Major Release | This is the first official version where the new features are rolled out to. It is released approximately once in two months as |
TeamCity On-Premises Major Release | A major TeamCity On-Premises version is usually released every 6-7 months. There are multiple minor (bugfix) releases following the major release. Bugfix releases and support patches for critical issues, if applicable, are provided until End of Sale of the release. |
TeamCity On-Premises End of Sale | Occurs for the previous major version with the release of the next major version. After this time, no bugfix updates or patches are usually provided (except critical issues without a workaround which allow for a relatively simple fix, or make it impossible to upgrade to the next version). Only limited support is provided for a major version after its end of sale. |
TeamCity On-Premises End of Support | Occurs with the release of two newer major versions. At this point, we stop providing regular technical support for the On-Premises release. |
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