TeamCity Cloud 2022.12 Help

TeamCity Release Notes: Build 124079

Build: 124079

14 December 2022


TW-77597 — Use the Sakura Chains component on the Build Configuration Page -> Build Chains Tab

TW-69641 — Add an ability to expand / collapse subtree on new build log

TW-78722 — Personal build's shelvedChangelist parameter is inaccessible in templated build steps

TW-69754 — Build Queue: Reordering builds in queue in Sakura UI

TW-78069 — Indicate draft pull requests on the build page

TW-64444 — Pull Requests Plugin should support ignoring draft pull requests for GitHub

TW-75551 — Launch Template as a source of params value instead of separate launch type

TW-77436 — Make prometheus metrics adhere to OpenMetrics specification


TW-78291 — _number suffix contradicts to metric name Prometheus convention

TW-62983 — Reason of build failure is collapsed in build log in the experimental UI

TW-78806 — TeamCity reports inactive main node despite there is an active one

TW-34639 — Symbolic links are not preserved when .tgz or .zip artifact is expanded by agent

TW-77887 — Raise error in builds with a=>[b/]a/c checkout rules if agent-side checkout mode is set

TW-71538 — Builds with allure steps don't start after the main node responsibility is assigned to secondary node

TW-78044 — No comment about Marking build as successful is shown in Chains views

TW-78802 — Wait reasons for a build sitting in the queue are not available on the secondary node

TW-78618 — Disk space watcher does not watch for a disk space in the custom caches directory

TW-78864 — The "Ignore Drafts" option behaves differently for and GitHub Enterprise repos

TW-78890 — TeamCity S3 Storage requires excessive GetAccelerateConfiguration permission

TW-78413 — PerfMon tab should not be shown for a composite build

TW-77300 — Test History: Information about new builds is not displayed without reloading of the page

TW-78207 — param for projectName inside versioned settings' vcs root

TW-78905 — Confusing messages in the build log of the parallel tests umbrella build

TW-77777 — Kotlin DSL transitive maven dependencies aren't resolved during server execution

TW-78610 — ECS agent plugin spawns more instances than configuration permitts

TW-75156 — Add ability to sanely sort test runs by test name

TW-78294 — Signed APKs fail to expand in the UI

TW-78458 — Usage of branch:(policy:XXXX) locator dimensions causes HTTP 400

TW-78727 — Wrong behavior of BuildServerListener.projectCreated event

TW-77814 — Trailing space is ReSharper Inspections runner fails the step

TW-74139 — .NET custom step exiting with 1 doesn't fail the build

TW-78045 — Build status is not displayed in the chain header on the Chains tab

TW-63042 — Provide Switch to Sakura UI icon on the Disconnected Agents tab.

TW-78550 — RejectedExecutionException with the entire stacktrace is logged in BuildProblemInvestigationsAndMutesManagerImpl.submitRemoveBuildConfigurationScopedBuildProblemMutes

TW-78403 — Maven with TestNG and 'XML report processing' feature report @BeforeTest and @AfterTest methods as separate tests (only when using TestNG report type)

TW-78463 — --timestamp option of maintainDB shown as invalid

TW-78047 — No way to see more when 20 build chains on Build Configuration Chains tab

TW-78046 — Expanding/collapsing of build chains doesn't work when one of the build was highlighted

TW-78001 — Incorrect number of builds can be shown in the charts on Chains tab, if some builds in the chain were cancelled

TW-74933 — Unobvious InspectCode Platform option names in ReSharper Inspections runner settings

TW-71547 — Allow loading webhooks plugin on secondary nodes

TW-71546 — Allow loading jira-cloud integration plugin on secondary nodes

TW-78004 — No checkboxes "Show details" and "Group by project" on Chains tab

TW-77991 — No information about reusing builds shown on the Chains tab

TW-67037 — Slack Notifier - checkmark in successful build notification is gray in dark theme Slack

TW-76549 — Metric http_requests_duration_milliseconds_bucket does not have le=+Inf bucket

TW-71777 — Add a description for "Uploaded key" and "Custom private key" for Git VCS root

Performance Problem

TW-78399 — Change the way of how experimental metrics introduced

TW-78314 — Extracting tar artifact with large number of small files is extremely slow


TW-77562 — Enable agent related actions on the secondary nodes: view logs, take thread dumps, etc

TW-78341 — Increase Perforce communication timeouts for perforce commands executed on the agent

TW-77657 — Build Dependencies Timeline should have search

TW-78068 — Add filterDrafts field to Pull Requests build feature DSL extension

TW-77554 — Improve DSL Dokka documentation navigation tree

TW-78803 — Improve DSL documentation search results

TW-78233 — Expose reason for instance terminating

TW-78200 — Better wording for "filterDrafts" setting

TW-64392 — Support some notion of pull requests in TeamCity core

Security Problem

6 security problems have been fixed.

Last modified: 14 December 2022