Projects Import
You can import projects with all their data and user accounts from a backup file to an existing TeamCity server, that is to add projects from one server to the target server that is normally used.
On the source TeamCity On-Premises server:
Create a backup file containing the projects to be imported.
On the target TeamCity server:
Go to the Server Administration area and select Project Import on the left. Upload your project settings and follow the wizard. When the import finishes, TeamCity will display the results.
There is a number of limitations regarding the import:
Agents and agent pools are not imported (TW-39797).
Settings are merged on the "by file" basis. This means that new files are added but no settings files are merged. For example, if a project being imported already exists on the target server, its parameters, project features, and plugin settings will not be merged.
If you use the "Store secure values (like passwords or API tokens) outside of VCS" option for version settings, then the credentials will not be imported for the projects already existing on the server.
Audit records are imported only if users are selected in the scope.
Running builds and the build queue are not included in the backup and not imported.
Internal ids (like ids of the builds) are not preserved during import. This means that URLs to the build results pages from the old server will appear broken even if redirected to the new server as build ids change on importing.
Global server settings (authentication schemes, custom roles, and so on) are not imported.
Import to TeamCity Cloud: build artifacts and logs.
Importing projects may take significant time. There can be only one import process per server.
Each import process creates the projectsImport-<date>
directory under the TeamCity logs allowing you to view the import results.
The directory contains the following:
conflicting files' directory, containing all data which has been merged
mappings, containing mapping of the fields in the source and target databases
import report, listing import results including the information on the data which has not been imported (if any)
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