TeamCity Cloud 2023.09 Help

Agent Docker Images

Instead of manually installing TeamCity agents and setting up required build software, you can do the following:

  • Pull a required JetBrains "TeamCity Agent" Docker image. You can choose between a "minimal" (the basic agent image without any 3rd-party tools) and regular/full (bundled with multiple tools such as Git and .NET Runtime) Docker images.

  • Execute the docker run ... command to start a container with a TeamCity agent running within.

    docker run -e SERVER_URL="<url to TeamCity server>" \ -v <path to agent config folder>:/data/teamcity_agent/conf \ jetbrains/teamcity-agent

Regular Agent Image

Minimal Agent Image

Image registries and available tags

Docker Hub

Docker Hub

Installation instructions, limitations, and customization options

Docker Hub

Docker Hub

The list of components installed in agent images



Docker Compose samples
(allow you to run a TeamCity server and agents in a single container)


Last modified: 21 June 2023