TeamCity Cloud 2023.09 Help


The Qodana build runner lets you add static analysis to your build chain. It is based on the Qodana code quality platform.

You can enable advanced code quality inspections and do the following:

  • Run static analysis checks.

  • Find duplicates in your code.

  • Track how the code quality changes over time, and much more.

Refer to Configuring Build Steps for a description of common build steps' settings. With Qodana, you can use flexible build failure conditions.

The Qodana build runner provides exhaustive data about your code quality. You can:

  • View an interactive build report.

  • Assign investigations of the reported issues to the team members.

  • Compare problems and checks applied between builds.

  • View aggregated statistics for static code analysis metrics.

Last modified: 07 September 2023