TeamCity Cloud 2023.09 Help

SSH Exec

The SSH Exec enables TeamCity to execute arbitrary remote commands using SSH.

The settings common for all runners are described here. This article details the SSH Exec runner settings.

The fields below support parameter references: any text between percentage signs (%) is considered a reference to a property by TeamCity. To prevent TeamCity from treating the text in the percentage signs as reference to a property, use two percentage signs to escape them: for example, if you want to pass %Y%m%d%H%M%S into the build, change it to %%Y%%m%%d%%H%%M%%S.



Deployment Target


Target should point to an SSH server location. Enter hostname or IP address.


Optional. By default, port 22 is used.

Use pty

Optional. Specify the type of the pty terminal. For example, vt100.

If empty, pty will not be allocated (default).

Deployment Credentials

The settings in this section will vary depending on the selected authentication method.

Authentication method

Select an SSH authentication method.

  • Uploaded key uses the key(s) uploaded to the project. See SSH Keys Management for details.

  • Default private key will try to perform private key authentication using the ~/.ssh/config settings. If no settings file exists, will try to use the ~/.ssh/rsa_pub public key file. No passphrases should be set.

  • Custom private key will try to perform private key authentication using the given public key file with given passphrase.

  • Password — simple password authentication.

  • SSH-Agent — use ssh-agent for authentication, the SSH-Agent build feature must be enabled.

SSH Commands


Specify a new-line delimited set of commands that will be executed in the remote shell. The remote shell will be started in the home directory of an authenticated user. The shell output will be available in the TeamCity build log.

Last modified: 11 March 2022