It is possible to achieve a similar experience with tools that are not supported out of the box. There are two options:
Publish a coverage HTML report as a TeamCity build artifact.
Most of the tools produce coverage reports in HTML — you can publish such a report as an artifact and configure the Report tab to display it in TeamCity. The coverage should be published to an index.html file inside the archive and put in the artifacts root directory. In this case, the Report tab will appear automatically.
Extract and publish statistics
You can extract coverage statistics from a coverage report and publish statistical values to TeamCity using service messages. In this case, the coverage chart will be displayed on the build configuration Statistics tab.
This approach also allows failing a build based on build failure condition on a metric change (for example, you can fail build if the coverage drops).
Avoid publishing values like CodeCoverageB, CodeCoverageL, CodeCoverageM, CodeCoverageC standing for a block/line/method/class coverage percentage. TeamCity will calculate these values using their absolute parts. For example, CodeCoverageL will be calculated as CodeCoverageAbsLCovered divided by CodeCoverageAbsLTotal. Such values will be published without their decimal parts, which might make them useless.
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