Build feature enabling automatic merge in build configuration or template.
Example. Upon finishing of a build in a branch with name starting with 'feature-' prefix, performs merge of the branch into the default branch, but only if no new tests failed comparing to the latest build in the default branch. Also tries to perform fast-forward merge if possible.
buildType {
// Other Build Type settings ...
features {
// Other Build Features ...
merge {
branchFilter = "+:feature-*"
mergePolicy = AutoMerge.MergePolicy.FAST_FORWARD
mergeCondition = "noNewTests"
Content copied to clipboard }
See also
A condition which should be satisfied for merge to happen
Settings for merge commit
Policy for running merge feature
Copies parameters of this object to the specified target
Creates an instance of this build feature via reflection using a no argument constructor, used during copying. Throws an error if this class doesn't have a default constructor. Subclasses can override it to create an instance without using a default constructor.
Validates this object and reports found errors to the provided consumer
A filter for logical names of the branches whose build's sources will be merged.
A logical name of the destination branch the sources will be merged to. The branch must be present in a repository and included into the branch specification.