A build feature cleaning files and processes created during a build
Example. Enables cleanup of the build files on the agent before the first build step starts. Also detects all the processes locking the files under the build checkout directory (Windows only), and kills them. If build files cleaning fails for some reason, then forces the agent to perform clean checkout.
buildType {
// Other Build Type settings ...
features {
// Other Build Features ...
swabra {
forceCleanCheckout = true
lockingProcesses = Swabra.LockingProcessPolicy.KILL
Content copied to clipboard }
See also
Files clean-up mode
Specifies how to handle processes locking some files
Copies parameters of this object to the specified target
Creates an instance of this build feature via reflection using a no argument constructor, used during copying. Throws an error if this class doesn't have a default constructor. Subclasses can override it to create an instance without using a default constructor.
Validates this object and reports found errors to the provided consumer
Force clean checkout if cannot restore clean directory state