A type of the metric
Total number of Qodana checks
Total number of Qodana problems
Number of moderate Qodana problems
Number of low Qodana problems
Number of info Qodana problems
Number of high Qodana problems
Number of critical Qodana problems
Tests duration in seconds
Number of ignored tests
Number of failed tests
Total number of tests
Number of passed tests
Total number of methods
Total number of lines of code
Number of inspections marked as warning
Number of inspections marked as error
Percentage of statements covered by tests
Percentage of methods covered by tests
Percentage of lines covered by tests
Percentage of java classes covered by tests
Percentage of conditional branches covered by tests
Percentage of blocks covered by tests
Number of methods covered by tests
Number of lines covered by tests
Number of java classes covered by tests
Duplicates count
Total number of java classes
Build log size estimate in bytes
Build duration in seconds
Total size of artifacts including internal artifacts
Size of artifacts excluding internal artifacts under .teamcity directory