Package jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.projectFeatures
Active storage
Stores information and configuration for the access to Amazon Web Services.
Project feature for Azure Devops or VSTS connection settings
Project feature for Azure DevOps OAuth connection settings
Project feature defining an OAuth connection settings for Bitbucket Cloud
Project feature enabling integration with Bitbucket issue tracker
Project feature defining an OAuth connection settings for Bitbucket Server / Data Center
Project feature enabling integration with Bugzilla issue tracker
Project feature defining a custom tab to be shown for all builds of the current project
Cloud Integration project feature
This connection is used in Docker Support build feature.
This connection is used in Docker Support build feature.
Project feature defining an OAuth connection settings for GitHub Enterprise server
Project feature defining a single level connection with a GitHub App. Such a connection encompasses both application and installation level settings.
Project feature defining an OAuth connection settings for
Project feature enabling integration with GitHub issue tracker
Project feature defining an OAuth connection settings for
Project feature defining an OAuth connection settings for GitLab CE/EE
Project feature enabling integration with GitLab issue tracker
Project feature defining an OAuth connection settings for Google.
Project feature defining an OAuth connection settings for JetBrains Space
Project feature enabling integration with JIRA issue tracker
Adds an npm registries connection project feature.
Project feature enabling TeamCity NuGet feed
This connection is used for some Perforce adminstration tasks on the TeamCity server. See cleaning workspaces on Perforce Server.
Project feature defining a custom tab to be shown on a project level
S3 Compatible Artifact Storage
Amazon S3 Artifact Storage
Project feature defining an OAuth connection settings for Slack
Project feature enabling integration with Azure Board Work Items as an issue tracker
Project feature enabling versioned settings in the project. This project feature is created only for projects with obsolete non-portable Kotlin DSL.
Project feature enabling integration with YouTrack issue tracker
Adds an Active Storage project feature
Example. Adds a new Connection that allows TeamCity to store and manage AWS Credentials (IAM User Access Key). When using Session Credentials, a new temporary Access Key will be generated each time this connection is used.
Creates an Azure Devops/VSTS connection in the current project
Creates an Azure DevOps OAuth connection in the current project
Creates a Bitbucket Cloud OAuth connection in the current project
Adds a project features enabling integration with Bitbucket issue tracker
Creates a Bitbucket Server / Data Center OAuth connection in the current project
Enables integration with Bugzilla issue tracker
Creates a custom tab for every build of the current project
Adds a Cloud Integration project feature
Example. Configure a private Amazon ECR connection. The connection is authenticated with AMAZON_KEY_ID and the secret access key, stored outside of VCS in the TeamCity credentials storage.
Example. Configure a connection to with the given username and password.
Creates a GitHub Enterprise OAuth connection in the current project
Creates a GitHub App single level connection in the current project
Creates a OAuth connection in the current project
Adds a project features enabling integration with GitHub issue tracker
Creates a OAuth connection in the current project
Creates a GitLab CE/EE OAuth connection in the current project
Adds a project features enabling integration with GitLab issue tracker
Creates a Google OAuth connection in the current project
Enables integration with JIRA issue tracker
Example. Adds an npm registry connection project feature. Please note that corresponding build feature should be provided in build configuration to use this connection. This connection will be used only inside nodeJS
build steps.
Enables TeamCity NuGet feed
Example. Configure a Perforce admin connection to perforce:1666 with the given username and password (or ticket).
Creates a custom tab on a project report with content based on artifacts of some build under this project
Adds a S3 Compatible Artifact Storage project feature
Creates a Slack connection in the current project
Creates a JetBrains Space OAuth connection in the current project
Enables integration with Azure Board Work Items
Enables versioned settings in the project
Enables integration with YouTrack issue tracker