Represents TeamCity project.
The id and name are mandatory properties for a valid project (id can be omitted if it matches the class name).
The parentId property defines a place for this project in a project hierarchy, it should be empty for the Root project on the server, and non-empty for other projects.
To appear in UI project should be either registered via the project call in the settings.kts
or added as a subproject to a registered project via the subProject() method.
BuildTypes, templates, and vcsRoots can be registered in the project using the buildType, template, and vcsRoot methods accordingly. BuildTypes and subprojects order can be specified via the buildTypesOrder and subProjectsOrder methods.
Project parameters are defined inside the params block.
The cleanup tab in the project admin UI contains clean-up rules for the project itself, its subprojects, and build configurations. In DSL the cleanup block in the project defines the clean-up rules for the project itself, subprojects and buildTypes can define their own clean-up rules or inherit them from the parent project(default).
Other tabs in the project admin UI are either not stored in VCS (e.g. SSH keys), or are defined as project features in the features block.
Example. Project with a single VCS root and a build configuration
object MyProject: Project({
name = "Main"
description = "The main branch"
name = "Project Repository"
url = "<git fetch URL>"
branch = "refs/heads/main"
buildType {
name = "Runs all tests"
vcs {
steps {
maven {
goals = "clean test"
Example. Project with a few subprojects
object MyProject: Project({
name = "Main"
description = "The main project"
subProject {
name = "Subproject for different kinds of tests"
subProject {
name = "Subproject for packages"
See also
Configures project clean-up rules
Creates an instance of this project via reflection using a no argument constructor, used during copying. Throws an error if this class doesn't have a default constructor. Subclasses can override it to create an instance without using a default constructor.
Allows to specify project features
Sets the id to the specified value. Type of the id depends on the context in which DSL is executed: it is RelativeId when DSL context is relative, otherwise it is AbsoluteId.
Configures project parameters
Adds the specified subproject to this project
Adds a subproject to this project
Sets subprojects of this project
Validates this object and reports found errors to the provided consumer
Specifies buildTypes order. Contains buildType ids. Can be also be filled by buildTypesOrder property
Project id. It appears in the web UI and is used in urls. If the project has a uuid specified, then the id can be changed at any time. If uuid is omitted, then TeamCity treats a project with a changed id as a new project, all data associated with the old project will be lost (e.g. investigations). Id can also be used by some settings, e.g. as a part of parameter reference. If you change the id, you should find all its occurrences in the current project and change them too. Id must be unique across all projects on the server. If id is missing, it will be generated from the class name (if the class is not from the jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin
Id of the parent project, defines a place for this project in a project hierarchy. Can be omitted in relative context, when the parent project is the Root project, or a project is added to its parent using the subProject method. Otherwise, it is mandatory.
Specifies subprojects order, contains subproject ids.