Perforce VCS root
Example. Defines a Perforce VCS root for a Perforce stream with automatic monitoring of sub-streams.
object StreamBasedRootWithSubStreams : PerforceVcsRoot({
name = "Stream-based root with sub-streams"
port = "perforce:1666"
mode = stream {
streamName = "//streams/project/mainline"
enableFeatureBranches = true
branchSpec = """
// Create a non-stream workspace but allow using TeamCity checkout rules.
// When false (default), TeamCity creates a stream workspace which allows commit back to P4
nonStreamWorkspace = true
userName = "tcAdmin"
password = "credentialsJSON:******"
// Instead of polling, consider using commit hooks:
pollInterval = 120
Example. Defines a Perforce VCS root with some client mapping and some custom workspace options.
object MainRoot : PerforceVcsRoot({
name = "Main root"
port = "perforce:1666"
mode = clientMapping {
mapping = """
//depot/MyProject/... //team-city-agent/...
//depot/Library1/... //team-city-agent/lib1/...
//depot/Library2/... //team-city-agent/lib2/...
-//depot/Library2/xxx/... //team-city-agent/lib1/xxx/...
workspaceOptions = """
Options: noallwrite clobber nocompress unlocked nomodtime rmdir
Host: %teamcity.agent.hostname%
SubmitOptions: revertunchanged
LineEnd: local
userName = "tcAdmin"
password = "credentialsJSON:******"
Example. Defines a Perforce VCS root with checkout mapping based on a specific non-stream client. Also, an explicit p4 clean
will be run for each checkout, and utf8 encoding will be used when obtaining sources from the Perforce server.
object ClientBasedRoot : PerforceVcsRoot({
name = "Client-based root"
port = "perforce:1666"
mode = client {
clientName = "teamcityClient"
userName = "tcAdmin"
password = "credentialsJSON:******"
runP4Clean = true
charsetName = "utf8"
Connect to to Perforce using the specified client name
Connect to Perforce using the specified client mapping
Copies parameters of this object to the specified target
Creates an instance of this VCS root via reflection using a no argument constructor, used during copying. Throws an error if this class doesn't have a default constructor. Subclasses can override it to create an instance without using a default constructor.
Sets the id to the specified value. Type of the id depends on the context in which DSL is executed: it is RelativeId when DSL context is relative, otherwise it is AbsoluteId.
Connect to Perforce stream with specified name
Validates this object and reports found errors to the provided consumer
Custom Perforce revision/label to checkout
VCS root id. It appears in the web UI and is used in urls. If the VCS root has a uuid specified, then the id can be changed at any time. If uuid is omitted, then TeamCity treats a VCS root with a changed id as a new VCS root, all data associated with the old root will be lost (e.g. a commits graph). Id can also be used by some settings, e.g. as a part of parameter reference. If you change the id, you should find all its occurrences in the current project and change them too. Id must be unique across all VCS roots on the server. If id is missing, it will be generated from the class name (if the class is not from the jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin
Helper for creating references to parameters of this VCS root