The sum of all artifact file sizes in the artifact directory in Bytes
The duration of the artifact publishing step in the build in Milliseconds
Block-level code coverage in percents
The total number of blocks
Branch coverage in percents
The total number of branches
The build duration (all build stages) in Milliseconds
The build steps' duration (excluding the checkout, artifact publishing time, and so on) in Milliseconds
Class-level code coverage in percents
The total number of classes
The number of covered blocks
The number of covered branches
The number of covered classes
The number of covered lines
The number of covered methods
The number of covered statements
The duration of resolving dependencies of the build in Milliseconds
The number of code duplicates found
The number of failed tests in the build
The number of ignored tests in the build
The number of inspection errors in the build
The number of inspection warnings in the build
Line-level code coverage in percents
The total number of lines
Method-level code coverage in percents
The total number of methods
The number of successfully passed tests in the build
For how long the build was staying in the queue in Milliseconds
The duration of the source checkout step in Milliseconds
Statement coverage in percents
The total number of statements
An indicator whether the build was successful. 0 - failed, 1 - successful
The total number of tests in the build
The sum of all artifact file sizes excluding hidden artifacts (those placed under the .teamcity directory) in Bytes