Represents links to the next or previous build.
Below, you can find a full schema of this object, in XML and JSON formats. You can choose what fields to submit depending on your current needs. Different methods might expect different fields: the best approach is to request this entity via GET
and use the response as a base for the following POST
A link to another object implies that you can substitute it with the schema of the linked object, if it is required for your call.
<nextBuild artifactsDirectory="string" branchName="string" buildTypeId="string" buildTypeInternalId="string" chainModificationId="string" changesCollectingInProgress="true" composite="true" currentSettingsHash="string" customized="true" defaultBranch="true" detachedFromAgent="true" failedToStart="true" finishDate="string" finishEstimate="string" finishOnAgentDate="string" history="true" href="string" id="123456789" limitedChangesCount="123" locator="string" modificationId="string" number="string" percentageComplete="123" personal="true" pinned="true" queuePosition="123" queuedDate="string" running="true" settingsHash="string" startDate="string" startEstimate="string" state="string" status="string" statusText="string" taskId="123456789" unspecifiedBranch="true" usedByOtherBuilds="true" waitReason="string" webUrl="string">
<prevBuild artifactsDirectory="string" branchName="string" buildTypeId="string" buildTypeInternalId="string" chainModificationId="string" changesCollectingInProgress="true" composite="true" currentSettingsHash="string" customized="true" defaultBranch="true" detachedFromAgent="true" failedToStart="true" finishDate="string" finishEstimate="string" finishOnAgentDate="string" history="true" href="string" id="123456789" limitedChangesCount="123" locator="string" modificationId="string" number="string" percentageComplete="123" personal="true" pinned="true" queuePosition="123" queuedDate="string" running="true" settingsHash="string" startDate="string" startEstimate="string" state="string" status="string" statusText="string" taskId="123456789" unspecifiedBranch="true" usedByOtherBuilds="true" waitReason="string" webUrl="string">
"prevBuild" : {
"agent" : "agent...",
"metadata" : "datas...",
"triggered" : "TriggeredBy...",
"usedByOtherBuilds" : true,
"settingsHash" : "settingsHash",
"number" : "number",
"chainModificationId" : "chainModificationId",
"changesCollectingInProgress" : true,
"lastChanges" : "changes...",
"resultingProperties" : "properties...",
"composite" : true,
"links" : "links...",
"id" : 6,
"state" : "queued",
"href" : "href",
"detachedFromAgent" : true,
"compatibleCloudImages" : "cloudImages...",
"artifacts" : "files...",
"testOccurrences" : "testOccurrences...",
"artifactDependencyChanges" : "buildChanges...",
"startProperties" : "properties...",
"defaultBranch" : true,
"compatibleAgents" : "agents...",
"artifact-dependencies" : "builds...",
"replacementIds" : "items...",
"personal" : true,
"history" : true,
"tags" : "tags...",
"canceledInfo" : "comment...",
"running-info" : "progress-info...",
"versionedSettingsRevision" : "Revision...",
"percentageComplete" : 6,
"webUrl" : "webUrl",
"buildType" : "buildType...",
"triggeringOptions" : "buildTriggeringOptions...",
"locator" : "locator",
"startDate" : "startDate",
"status" : "status",
"pinned" : true,
"customized" : true,
"approvalInfo" : "approvalInfo...",
"vcsLabels" : [ "vcsLabel..." ],
"customization" : "customizations...",
"finishEstimate" : "finishEstimate",
"changes" : "changes...",
"plannedAgent" : "agent...",
"running" : true,
"statusChangeComment" : "comment...",
"finishOnAgentDate" : "finishOnAgentDate",
"buildTypeId" : "buildTypeId",
"buildTypeInternalId" : "buildTypeInternalId",
"originalProperties" : "properties...",
"modificationId" : "modificationId",
"related" : "related...",
"failedToStart" : true,
"revisions" : "Revisions...",
"delayedByBuild" : "build...",
"queuePosition" : 1,
"problemOccurrences" : "problemOccurrences...",
"artifactsDirectory" : "artifactsDirectory",
"relatedIssues" : "issuesUsages...",
"branchName" : "branchName",
"startEstimate" : "startEstimate",
"downloadedArtifacts" : "downloadedArtifacts...",
"limitedChangesCount" : 2,
"firstBuildWithSameChanges" : "build...",
"currentSettingsHash" : "currentSettingsHash",
"unspecifiedBranch" : true,
"queuedWaitReasons" : "properties...",
"waitReason" : "waitReason",
"pinInfo" : "comment...",
"snapshot-dependencies" : "builds...",
"statusText" : "statusText",
"custom-artifact-dependencies" : "artifact-dependencies...",
"comment" : "comment...",
"finishDate" : "finishDate",
"attributes" : "entries...",
"user" : "user...",
"queuedDate" : "queuedDate",
"taskId" : 3,
"properties" : "properties...",
"statistics" : "properties..."
"nextBuild" : {
"agent" : "agent...",
"metadata" : "datas...",
"triggered" : "TriggeredBy...",
"usedByOtherBuilds" : true,
"settingsHash" : "settingsHash",
"number" : "number",
"chainModificationId" : "chainModificationId",
"changesCollectingInProgress" : true,
"lastChanges" : "changes...",
"resultingProperties" : "properties...",
"composite" : true,
"links" : "links...",
"id" : 6,
"state" : "queued",
"href" : "href",
"detachedFromAgent" : true,
"compatibleCloudImages" : "cloudImages...",
"artifacts" : "files...",
"testOccurrences" : "testOccurrences...",
"artifactDependencyChanges" : "buildChanges...",
"startProperties" : "properties...",
"defaultBranch" : true,
"compatibleAgents" : "agents...",
"artifact-dependencies" : "builds...",
"replacementIds" : "items...",
"personal" : true,
"history" : true,
"tags" : "tags...",
"canceledInfo" : "comment...",
"running-info" : "progress-info...",
"versionedSettingsRevision" : "Revision...",
"percentageComplete" : 6,
"webUrl" : "webUrl",
"buildType" : "buildType...",
"triggeringOptions" : "buildTriggeringOptions...",
"locator" : "locator",
"startDate" : "startDate",
"status" : "status",
"pinned" : true,
"customized" : true,
"approvalInfo" : "approvalInfo...",
"vcsLabels" : [ "vcsLabel..." ],
"customization" : "customizations...",
"finishEstimate" : "finishEstimate",
"changes" : "changes...",
"plannedAgent" : "agent...",
"running" : true,
"statusChangeComment" : "comment...",
"finishOnAgentDate" : "finishOnAgentDate",
"buildTypeId" : "buildTypeId",
"buildTypeInternalId" : "buildTypeInternalId",
"originalProperties" : "properties...",
"modificationId" : "modificationId",
"related" : "related...",
"failedToStart" : true,
"revisions" : "Revisions...",
"delayedByBuild" : "build...",
"queuePosition" : 1,
"problemOccurrences" : "problemOccurrences...",
"artifactsDirectory" : "artifactsDirectory",
"relatedIssues" : "issuesUsages...",
"branchName" : "branchName",
"startEstimate" : "startEstimate",
"downloadedArtifacts" : "downloadedArtifacts...",
"limitedChangesCount" : 2,
"firstBuildWithSameChanges" : "build...",
"currentSettingsHash" : "currentSettingsHash",
"unspecifiedBranch" : true,
"queuedWaitReasons" : "properties...",
"waitReason" : "waitReason",
"pinInfo" : "comment...",
"snapshot-dependencies" : "builds...",
"statusText" : "statusText",
"custom-artifact-dependencies" : "artifact-dependencies...",
"comment" : "comment...",
"finishDate" : "finishDate",
"attributes" : "entries...",
"user" : "user...",
"queuedDate" : "queuedDate",
"taskId" : 3,
"properties" : "properties...",
"statistics" : "properties..."
Thanks for your feedback!
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