Represents various details of this server including the installation version.
Field | Data type |
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Below, you can find a full schema of this object, in XML and JSON formats. You can choose what fields to submit depending on your current needs. Different methods might expect different fields: the best approach is to request this entity via GET
and use the response as a base for the following POST
A link to another object implies that you can substitute it with the schema of the linked object, if it is required for your call.
<server artifactsUrl="string" buildDate="string" buildNumber="string" currentTime="string" internalId="string" role="string" startTime="string" version="string" versionMajor="123" versionMinor="123" webUrl="string">
<projects href="string"/>
<vcsRoots href="string"/>
<builds href="string"/>
<users href="string"/>
<userGroups href="string"/>
<agents href="string"/>
<buildQueue href="string"/>
<agentPools href="string"/>
<investigations href="string"/>
<mutes href="string"/>
<nodes href="string"/>
"role" : "role",
"projects" : {
"href" : "href"
"vcsRoots" : {
"href" : "href"
"investigations" : {
"href" : "href"
"buildDate" : "buildDate",
"mutes" : {
"href" : "href"
"version" : "version",
"buildNumber" : "buildNumber",
"users" : {
"href" : "href"
"agents" : {
"href" : "href"
"currentTime" : "currentTime",
"internalId" : "internalId",
"userGroups" : {
"href" : "href"
"buildQueue" : {
"href" : "href"
"artifactsUrl" : "artifactsUrl",
"nodes" : {
"href" : "href"
"webUrl" : "webUrl",
"builds" : {
"href" : "href"
"startTime" : "startTime",
"versionMajor" : 1,
"versionMinor" : 5,
"agentPools" : {
"href" : "href"
Thanks for your feedback!