Commenting without creating a review
Whenever you spot some minor issue in your teammate's code, want to post a reminder note, or start an informal discussion — you can leave comments without creating a review.
You can post comments, addressing them to the revision author and other participants, and reply to the comments left by others.
There are three types of comments:
- Revision comment is not tied up to any particular file or part of code — its subject matter may be anything within the scope of the revision.
- Code selection comment is intended to pinpoint a particular code fragment in one of the files in the revision.
- Line comment is associated with a specific line of code.
Posted code selection comments and line comments are embedded in code and highlighted with yellow.

To post a revision comment:
To post a code selection comment:
To post a line comment:
When a discussion thread comes to a logical end, either you or the revision author can mark it as resolved.
Last modified: 13 July 2017