Creating issues for your issue tracker
If issue tracker integration has been enabled, and the Upsource project has been linked to a corresponding YouTrack or JIRA project, you can create issues from the following places:
- a code review page:

- any discussion comment, be it a part of a review:

- or a revision:

After clicking Create issue you'll be asked to specify the issue's mandatory values: issue type and priority:

If you're reporting issues to JIRA, and your Upsource user account is not associated with your JIRA account (or you don't have one), the reported issues will appear in JIRA under the name of the JIRA administrator specified during configuration.
The issue title will be derived from the review title, and all fields required for the selected issue type will be filled with default values. Some issue types may contains mandatory fields without default values. When dealing with YouTrack, Upsource will return an error message if you select such an issue type. For Jira, Upsource simply excludes such types from the drop-down menu.
Issues created from a review, as well as those mentioned in its summary, will be displayed on the review page: