Upsource 2017.1 Help

/Third-party software shipped with Upsource
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Third-party software shipped with Upsource

The following is an alphabetical list of projects that develop third-party libraries used by and distributed with JetBrains Upsource.

Note that parts of JetBrains' own IntelliJ IDEA and some of its plugins are distributed as part of Upsource. Therefore, in addition to the list below, Upsource may contain some of the third-party software used in IntelliJ IDEA.


Library nameLicense nameLicense URLComment


aether-apiEPL 1.0
aether-transport-wagonEPL 1.0
aether-connector-basicEPL 1.0
aether-implEPL 1.0
aether-spiEPL 1.0
aether-utilEPL 1.0


#androidApache 2.0
#androidAnnotationsApache 2.0
#builder-modelApache 2.0
#GoogleFeedbackApache 2.0
#jarutilsApache 2.0
#javawriterApache 2.0
#layoutlib-apiApache 2.0
#manifest-mergerApache 2.0
#sdk-commonApache 2.0
#sdk-toolsApache 2.0
#sdklibApache 2.0
#theme-editor-widgetsApache 2.0


commons-cliApache 2.0 cassandra
commons-codecApache 2.0 intellij
commons-collectionsApache 2.0 'admin_console'
commons-compilerApache 2.0
commons-compressApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
commons-daemonApache 2.0
commons-emailApache 2.0
commons-fileuploadApache 2.0
commons-httpclientApache 2.0
commons-ioApache 2.0
commons-langApache 2.0
commons-lang3Apache 2.0
commons-loggingApache 2.0
commons-math3Apache 2.0
commons-netApache 2.0 intellij
commons-validatorApache 2.0


#asm-analysisBSD New (BSD 3) idea-android
asmBSD New (BSD 3)
asm-allBSD New (BSD 3) intellij
asm-commonsBSD New (BSD 3) intellij
asm-treeBSD New (BSD 3)
urlrewritefilterBSD New (BSD 3)


#jgrapht-coreLGPL 2.1 + EPL cassandra-service
apache-cassandraApache 2.0 cassandra-service
apache-cassandra-clientutilApache 2.0 cassandra-service
apache-cassandra-thriftApache 2.0 cassandra-service
cassandra-driver-coreApache 2.0
concurrent-treesApache 2.0
jflexBSD New (BSD 3)
hppcApache 2.0
snowball-stemmerBSD License
primitiveGPLv2 with classpath exception


gradleApache 2.0
gradle-base-servicesApache 2.0
gradle-base-services-groovyApache 2.0
gradle-cliApache 2.0
gradle-coreApache 2.0
gradle-jps-pluginApache 2.0
gradle-messagingApache 2.0
gradle-model-coreApache 2.0
gradle-model-groovyApache 2.0
gradle-nativeApache 2.0
gradle-resourcesApache 2.0
gradle-tooling-apiApache 2.0
gradle-tooling-extension-apiApache 2.0
gradle-tooling-extension-implApache 2.0
gradle-wrapperApache 2.0
guava-jdk5Apache 2.0
native-platformApache 2.0
native-platform-freebsd-amd64Apache 2.0
native-platform-freebsd-i386Apache 2.0
native-platform-linux-amd64Apache 2.0
native-platform-linux-i386Apache 2.0
native-platform-osx-amd64Apache 2.0
native-platform-osx-i386Apache 2.0
native-platform-windows-amd64Apache 2.0
native-platform-windows-i386Apache 2.0
objenesisApache 2.0


guavaApache 2.0


httpclientApache 2.0
httpclient-cacheApache 2.0
httpcoreApache 2.0
httpmimeApache 2.0


#android-commonInternalvia 'idea-android' artifact
#android-gradle-jpsInternalvia 'idea-android' artifact
#android-jps-pluginInternalvia 'idea-android' artifact
#android-rtInternalvia 'idea-android' artifact
#android-ultimateInternalvia 'idea-android' artifact
#spantableInternalvia idea-android
antlr4-runtimeBSD 'upsource-services' artifact
app-wrapperInternalvia analyzer-service
batik-animApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
batik-awt-utilApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
batik-bridgeApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
batik-codecApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
batik-cssApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
batik-domApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
batik-extApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
batik-gvtApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
batik-parserApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
batik-scriptApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
batik-svg-domApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
batik-svggenApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
batik-transcoderApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
batik-utilApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
batik-xmlApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
bcprov-jdk15onMIT 'upsource-services' artifact
cassandra-launcherInternalvia cassandra
cassandra-wrapperInternalvia cassandra
com.intellij.hub.auth-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
com.intellij.hub.core-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
commonInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
compressInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
dates.runtimeInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
esapiBSD 'upsource-services' artifact
exodusInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
exodus-luceneDirectoryInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
exodus-openAPIInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
exodus-persistentEntityStoreInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
exodus-queryInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
exodus-utilsInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
exodus-vfsInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
filtersApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
fxHelpBrowserInternalvia intellij
gap-rest-parsersInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
git-commonInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
git-serverInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
gtext.runtimeInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
gwt-i18n-serverLGPL-3.0 'upsource-services' artifact
hub-client-utilInternalvia 'admin_console'
hub-launcherInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
hub-wrapperInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
java-image-scalingGPL 3 'upsource-services' artifact
jet-modules-apiInternalvia 'vcs-settings' artifact
jet-modules-implInternalvia 'vcs-settings' artifact
jetbrains.exodus.entitystore.transientInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.hub.apiInternalvia 'bundle-skel' artifact
jetbrains.hub.api-implInternalvia 'bundle-skel' artifact
jetbrains.hub.api.remoteInternalvia 'bundle-skel' artifact
jetbrains.hub.clientInternalvia 'bundle-skel' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.apiInternalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.api-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.apiInternalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.api-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.core.apiInternalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.core.api-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.core.dnqInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.core.dnq-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.core.restInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.dnqInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.dnq-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.github.apiInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.github.api-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.github.dnInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.github.dnqInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.github.dnq-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.github.restInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib 'upsource-services' artifact 'hub-client' lib 'upsource-services' artifact 'hub-client' lib 'upsource-services' artifact 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.jba.apiInternalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.jba.api-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.jba.dnqInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.jba.dnq-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.jba.restInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.jira.apiInternalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.jira.api-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.jira.dnqInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.jira.dnq-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.jira.restInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.ldap.apiInternalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.ldap.api-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.ldap.dnqInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.ldap.dnq-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.ldap.restInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.openid.apiInternalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.openid.api-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.openid.dnqInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.openid.dnq-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.auth.module.openid.restInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.client.accountsInternalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.client.accounts-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.client.oauth2Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.client.oauth2-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.commonInternalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.common-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.coreInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.core-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.daoInternalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.dao-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.dao.access.viewInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.dao.access.view-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.dao.dnqInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.dao.dnq-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.dao.dnq.queryInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.dao.dnq.query-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.dao.duplicateInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.dao.duplicate-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.dao.queryInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.dao.query-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.dao.query.assistInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.dao.query.assist-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.dao.remoteInternalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.dao.utilInternalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.dao.util-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib 'upsource-services' artifact 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.implInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.importingInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.importing-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.importing.dtoInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.importing.dto-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.localeInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.locale-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.notificationInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.notification-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.oauth.apiInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.oauth.api-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.oauth.interactiveInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.oauth.interactive-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.oauth2Internalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.oauth2-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.oauth2.restInternalvia 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib 'upsource-services' artifact 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.restInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact 'hub-client' lib 'upsource-services' artifact 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.ring.bundleInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.ring.bundle-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.samlInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.saml-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.saml.apiInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.saml.api-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.saml.implInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.saml.impl-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.saml.restInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.sequenceInternalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.sequence-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.serverInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.server-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.serviceInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.service-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.service.apiInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.service.api-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.sshInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.ssh-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.updateInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.update-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.userManagementInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.userManagement-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.jetpass.utilInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.jetpass.util-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.mps.baseLanguage.dates.runtimeInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.mps.businessRules.runtimeInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.mps.gtext.runtimeInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.mps.hub.event.mapping.runtimeInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.mps.hub.event.mapping.runtime-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.mps.internationalization.runtimeInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.mps.parser.runtimeInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.mps.springframework.configuration.runtimeInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.mps.webr.configuration.parameters.runtimeInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.mps.webr.configuration.parameters.runtime-dev.2332Internalvia 'hub-client' lib
jetbrains.mps.webr.javascript.runtimeInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact 'upsource-services' artifact 'upsource-services' artifact 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib 'upsource-services' artifact 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib 'hub-client' lib 'upsource-services' artifact 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.mps.webr.runtimeInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.mps.webr.stateless.template.runtimeInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.mps.webr.uri.runtimeInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.mps.webr.userManagement.runtimeInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.ssh.hostingInternalvia 'vcs-settings' artifact
jetbrains.teamsys.dnq.openAPIInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.teamsys.dnq.runtimeInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetbrains.teamsys.license.runtimeInternal 'vcs-settings' artifact
jetbrains.vcs.hubInternalvia 'vcs-settings' artifact
jetbrains.vcs.setttings.storageInternalvia 'vcs-settings' artifact
jetbrains.vcs.webInternalvia 'vcs-settings' artifact
jetpass-coreInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
jetPass-initializerInternalvia 'jetPass-initializer' artifact
kotlin-stdlibInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
launcherInternalvia analyzer-service
launcher-extension-apiInternalvia analyzer-service
mercurial-commonInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
mercurial-serverInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
mps-closuresInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
mps-collectionsInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
mps-tuplesInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
not-yet-commons-sslApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
opensamlApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
openwsApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
org.abego.treelayout.coreBSD New (BSD 3) 'upsource-services' artifact
patchesInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
perforce-commonInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
perforce-serverInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
perforce_utilInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
plugin-modelInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
processesTerminatorInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
runtime-utilInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
server-commonInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
static-resourcesInternalvia 'vcs-settings' artifact
svn-commonInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
svn-serverInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
upsource-analyzer-launcherInternalvia upsource-analyzer
upsource-analyzer-wrapperInternalvia upsource-analyzer
upsource-cluster-init-launcherInternalvia upsource-cluster-init
upsource-cluster-init-wrapperInternalvia upsource-cluster-init
upsource-frontend-launcherInternalvia upsource-frontend
upsource-frontend-wrapperInternalvia upsource-frontend
##upsource-monitoring-launcherInternalvia analyzer-monitoring
##upsource-monitoring-wrapperInternalvia analyzer-monitoring
upsource-opscenter-launcherInternalvia upsource-opscenter
upsource-opscenter-wrapperInternalvia upsource-opscenter
upsource-open-apiInternalvia 'upsource-services' artifact
upsource-psi-launcherInternalvia upsource-psi
upsource-psi-wrapperInternalvia upsource-psi
utilInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
utilsInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
vcs-plugin-apiInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
vcs-worker-coreInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
vcs-worker-embeddedInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
vcs-worker-loaderInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
vcs-worker-upgradeInternalvia vcs-worker-impl
xalanApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
xmlsecApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
xmltoolingApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
xodus-entity-storeInternalvia 'wizard-web'
xodus-environmentInternalvia 'wizard-web'
xodus-openAPIInternalvia 'wizard-web'
xodus-utilsInternalvia 'wizard-web'
xodus-compressInternalvia 'wizard-web'
xzno-license-agreementno-license-agreementvia 'upsource-services' artifact
zxcvbnMIT 'upsource-services' artifact

REPL stuff

jansiApache 2.0
mina-coreApache 2.0


##jackson-jaxrsApache 2.0
##jackson-smileApache 2.0
##jackson-xcApache 2.0
bson4jacksonApache 2.0
jackson-annotationsApache 2.0
jackson-coreApache 2.0
jackson-core-aslApache 2.0
jackson-databindApache 2.0
jackson-dataformat-smileApache 2.0
jackson-jaxrs-baseApache 2.0
jackson-jaxrs-json-providerApache 2.0
jackson-mapper-aslApache 2.0
jackson-module-jaxb-annotationsApache 2.0
jackson-module-kotlinApache 2.0
jackson-module-mrbeanApache 2.0 vcs-service


jaxb-apiCDDL 1.1 + GPL 2
jaxb-implCDDL 1.1 + GPL 2


.svn_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
.svn_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
._jfxrtOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
._jfxswtOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
alt-rtOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
alt-stringOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
bootOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
boot_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
boot_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
charsetsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
cldrdataOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
CodePointIMOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-api-cachingOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-api-caching_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-api-caching_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-applicationOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-application-viewsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-application-views_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-application-views_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-application_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-application_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-attachOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-attach_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-attach_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-chartsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-charts_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-charts_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-coreOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-coredumpOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-coredump_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-coredump_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-core_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-core_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-heapdumpOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-heapdump_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-heapdump_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-hostOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-host-remoteOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-host-remote_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-host-remote_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-host-viewsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-host-views_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-host-views_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-host_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-host_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-jmxOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-jmx_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-jmx_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-jvmOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-jvmstatOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-jvmstat_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-jvmstat_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-jvm_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-jvm_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-modules-appuiOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-modules-appui_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-modules-appui_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-modules-startupOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-modules-startup_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-modules-startup_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-profilerOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-profiler_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-profiler_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-profilingOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-profiling_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-profiling_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-saOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-samplerOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-sampler_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-sampler_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-sa_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-sa_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-threaddumpOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-threaddump_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-threaddump_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-toolsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-tools_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-tools_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-uisupportOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-uisupport_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
com-sun-tools-visualvm-uisupport_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
coreOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
core_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
core_visualvmOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
core_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
deployOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
derbyOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
derbyclientOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
derbyLocale_csOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
derbyLocale_de_DEOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
derbyLocale_esOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
derbyLocale_frOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
derbyLocale_huOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
derbyLocale_itOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
derbyLocale_ja_JPOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
derbyLocale_ko_KROracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
derbyLocale_plOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
derbyLocale_pt_BROracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
derbyLocale_ruOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
derbyLocale_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
derbyLocale_zh_TWOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
derbynetOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
derbyoptionaltoolsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
derbyrunOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
derbytoolsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
dnsnsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
dtOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
examplesOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
FileChooserDemoOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
Font2DTestOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
FullThreadDumpOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
heapTrackerOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
holidays__V1.0Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
htmlconverterOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
indicimOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
jardiffOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
Java2DemoOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
javawsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
jceOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
jconsoleOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
jconsole-pluginOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
jfluid-serverOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
jfluid-server_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
jfluid-server_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
jfrOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
jfxrtOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
jfxswtOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
jhcore__V1.0Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
jlfgr__V1.0Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
jnlpOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
jnlp-servletOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
jsseOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
JTopOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
localedataOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
local_policyOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
management-agentOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
MemoryMonitorOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
MetalworksOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
minstOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
mtraceOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
nashornOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
NotepadOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-api-annotations-commonOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-api-annotations-common_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-api-annotations-common_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
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org-netbeans-api-progress_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-api-visualOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-api-visual_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-api-visual_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-coreOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
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org-netbeans-core-execution_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
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org-netbeans-core-io-ui_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-core-io-ui_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-core-multiviewOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-core-multiview_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-core-multiview_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-core-output2Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-core-output2_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-core-output2_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
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org-netbeans-core-ui_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-core-ui_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-core-windowsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-core-windows_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-core-windows_visualvmOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-core-windows_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-core_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-core_visualvmOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-core_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-lib-profilerOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-lib-profiler-chartsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-lib-profiler-charts_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-lib-profiler-charts_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-lib-profiler-commonOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-lib-profiler-common_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-lib-profiler-common_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
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org-netbeans-lib-profiler-ui_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-lib-profiler-ui_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-lib-profiler_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-lib-profiler_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-.svn_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-.svn_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-applemenuOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-applemenu_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-applemenu_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate-servicesOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate-services_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate-services_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
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org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate-ui_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
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org-netbeans-modules-core-kit_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-editor-mimelookupOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-editor-mimelookup-implOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-editor-mimelookup-impl_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-editor-mimelookup-impl_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-editor-mimelookup_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-editor-mimelookup_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-favoritesOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-favorites_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-favorites_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-javahelpOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-javahelp_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-javahelp_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-keyringOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-keyring-implOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
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org-netbeans-modules-keyring-impl_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-keyring_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-keyring_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-masterfsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-masterfs_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-masterfs_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-options-apiOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-options-api_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-options-api_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-options-keymapOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-options-keymap_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-options-keymap_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-printOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-print_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-print_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-profilerOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-profiler-oqlOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-profiler-oql_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-profiler-oql_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-profiler_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-profiler_visualvmOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-profiler_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-progress-uiOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-progress-ui_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-progress-ui_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-prop-base_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-prop-base_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-props_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-props_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-queriesOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-queries_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-queries_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-sendoptsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-sendopts_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-sendopts_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-settingsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-settings_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-settings_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-spi-actionsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-spi-actions_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-spi-actions_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-templates_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-templates_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-text-base_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-text-base_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-tmp_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-modules-tmp_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-spi-quicksearchOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-spi-quicksearch_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-spi-quicksearch_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-swing-outlineOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-swing-outline_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-swing-outline_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-swing-plafOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-swing-plaf_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-swing-plaf_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-swing-tabcontrolOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-swing-tabcontrol_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-netbeans-swing-tabcontrol_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-actionsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-actions_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-actions_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-awtOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-awt_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-awt_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-compatOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-compat_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-compat_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-dialogsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-dialogs_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-dialogs_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-executionOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-execution_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-execution_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-explorerOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-explorer_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-explorer_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-filesystemsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-filesystems_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-filesystems_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-ioOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-io_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-io_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-loadersOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-loaders_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-loaders_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-modulesOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-modules_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-modules_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-nodesOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-nodes_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-nodes_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-optionsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-options_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-options_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-textOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-text_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-text_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-utilOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-util-enumerationsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-util-enumerations_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-util-enumerations_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-util-lookupOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-util-lookup_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-util-lookup_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-util_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-util_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-windowsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-windows_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
org-openide-windows_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
pluginOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
registerOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
resourcesOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
rtOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
sa-jdiOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
SampleTreeOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
StylepadOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
sunecOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
sunjce_providerOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
sunmscapiOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
sunpkcs11Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
SwingAppletOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
SwingSet2Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
TableExampleOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
thaiimOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
toolsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
toursdbOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
TransparentRulerOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
updaterOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
updater_jaOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
updater_zh_CNOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
US_export_policyOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
VerboseGCOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
zipfsOracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX


jersey-clientCDDL 1.1 + GPL 2
jersey-commonCDDL 1.1 + GPL 2
jersey-container-servletCDDL 1.1 + GPL 2
jersey-container-servlet-coreCDDL 1.1 + GPL 2
jersey-entity-filteringCDDL 1.1 + GPL 2
jersey-guavaCDDL 1.1 + GPL 2
jersey-media-jaxbCDDL 1.1 + GPL 2 'upsource-services' artifact
jersey-media-json-jacksonCDDL 1.1 + GPL 2
jersey-serverCDDL 1.1 + GPL 2


jetty-allApache 2.0 + EPL 1.0
jetty-annotationsApache 2.0 + EPL 1.0
jetty-continuationApache 2.0 + EPL 1.0
jetty-httpApache 2.0 + EPL 1.0
jetty-ioApache 2.0 + EPL 1.0
jetty-proxyApache 2.0 + EPL 1.0
jetty-servletsApache 2.0 + EPL 1.0
jetty-utilApache 2.0 + EPL 1.0


org.eclipse.egit.github.coreEPL 1.0
org.eclipse.jgitEPL 1.0
org.eclipse.jgit.http.apacheEPL 1.0




log4jApache 2.0


logback-classicdual EPL v1.0 and LGPL 2.1
logback-coredual EPL v1.0 and LGPL 2.1


lucene-analyzersApache 2.0
lucene-coreApache 2.0


maven-aether-providerApache 2.0
maven-artifactApache 2.0
maven-builder-supportApache 2.0
maven-compatApache 2.0
maven-coreApache 2.0
maven-embedderApache 2.0
maven-modelApache 2.0
maven-model-builderApache 2.0
maven-plugin-apiApache 2.0
maven-repository-metadataApache 2.0
maven-settingsApache 2.0
maven-settings-builderApache 2.0


metrics-coreApache 2.0
metrics-ehcacheApache 2.0
metrics-graphiteApache 2.0
metrics-jettyApache 2.0


netty-allApache 2.0
netty-socketioApache 2.0


plexus-cipherApache 2.0
plexus-component-annotationsApache 2.0
plexus-interpolationApache 2.0
plexus-sec-dispatcherApache 2.0
plexus-utilsApache 2.0


slf4j-apiMIT cassandra


org.eclipse.sisu.injectEPL 1.0
org.eclipse.sisu.plexusEPL 1.0
sisu-guiceEPL 1.0


springApache 2.0
spring-aopApache 2.0
spring-beansApache 2.0
spring-contextApache 2.0
spring-context-supportApache 2.0
spring-coreApache 2.0
spring-expressionApache 2.0
spring-txApache 2.0
spring-webApache 2.0
spring-webmvcApache 2.0




wagon-fileApache 2.0
wagon-httpApache 2.0
wagon-http-sharedApache 2.0
wagon-provider-apiApache 2.0
activationCDDL 1.0
airlineApache 2.0
alloyCustom license
aopallianceApache 2.0
aopalliance-repackagedApache 2.0 by Jersey to conform to OSGi
automatonBSD 2
batik-allApache 2.0
cdi-apiApache 2.0
cglibApache 2.0
cli-parserApache 2.0
clojureEPL 1.0
clojure-jsr223EPL 1.0
compress-lzfApache 2.0
concurrentlinkedhashmap-lruApache 2.0
disruptorApache 2.0
ecjEPL 1.0
ehcacheApache 2.0
ehcache-coreApache 2.0
fluent-hcApache 2.0
freemarkerApache 2.0
gfloggerApache 2.0 'upsource-services' artifact
gragentApache 2.0
groovy-allApache 2.0
gsonApache 2.0
guiceApache 2.0
gwt-sourcemapsApache 2.0
hamcrest-coreBSD New (BSD 3)
high-scale-libApache 2.0
imgscalr-libApache 2.0
jammApache 2.0
janinoApache 2.0
jasper21_rtLGPL-3.0 intellij
jasper2_rtLGPL-3.0 intellij
jatlApache 2.0 notifications
JavaEWAHApache 2.0
javassistMozilla Public License Version 1.1 'vcs-settings' artifact
javax.annotation-apiCDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
javax.injectCDDL 1.1 + GPL 2 via cassandra-service
javax.mailCDDL 1.1 + GPL 2
javax.servlet-apiCDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
javax.websocket-apiCDDL 1.1 + GPL 2 1.1 + GPL 2 jersey2
jaxenJaxen license
jbcryptApache 2.0
jcip-annotationsApache 2.0 intellij
jcommanderApache 2.0
jdomCustom license
jettisonApache 2.0
jgoodies-commonBSD 2
jgoodies-formsBSD 2
jgoodies-looksBSD 2
jhGPLv2 with classpath exception
jingBSD New (BSD 3)
jlineBSD 2
jnaApache 2.0
jna-platformApache 2.0
joda-timeApache 2.0
jsonApache 2.0
json-simpleApache 2.0
jsoupApache 2.0
jsp-apiCDDL 1.1 + GPL 2 intellij
jsr250-apiApache 2.0
jsr305BSD intellij
jsslutils-extra-apachehttpclient3Apache 2.0
jtaCustom license
junitEPL 1.0 intellij
junit-commonsEPL 1.0 intellij
junit-engine-apiEPL 1.0 intellij
junit-launcherEPL 1.0 intellij
junit4-engineEPL 1.0 intellij
junit4-runnerEPL 1.0 intellij
junit5-engineEPL 1.0 intellij
junit5-rtEPL 1.0 intellij
jzlibRevised BSD
lfsappendersBSD New (BSD 3) 'aws' artifact
libthriftApache 2.0 cassandra
log4j-over-slf4jMIT License
lz4Apache 2.0
markdown4jBSD New (BSD 3) intellij
markdownj-coreRevised BSD License intellij
metrics-logbackApache 2.0
microbaBSD New (BSD 3)
miglayout-swingBSD New (BSD 3)
nekohtmlApache 2.0
ohc-coreApache 2.0
ohc-core-j8Apache 2.0
okhttpApache 2.0
okhttp-wsApache 2.0
okioApache 2.0
openid4javaApache 2.0
opentest4jEPL 1.0 intellij
oromatcherApache 1.1
picocontainerBSD 2
plexus-classworldsApache 2.0
protobufCustom license
protostuff-apiApache 2.0
protostuff-coreApache 2.0
protostuff-jsonApache 2.0
proxy-voleBSD New (BSD 3)
pty4jEPL 1.0
purejavacommBSD New (BSD 3)
quartzApache 2.0
reporter-config-baseApache 2.0
reporter-config3Apache 2.0
resolverApache 2.0
rhino-jsMozilla Public License Version 2.0
rrd4jApache 2.0
sanselanApache 2.0
sequence-libraryCustom license
servlet-apiApache 2.0
sigarApache 2.0
smackApache 2.0
smackxApache 2.0
smtpCDDL 1.1 + GPL 2 'upsource-services' artifact
snakeyamlApache 2.0
snappy-in-javaApache 2.0
snappy-javaApache 2.0
sqlite-jdbcApache 2.0
sqljetCommercialvia SVNKit
sshd-coreApache 2.0
ST4BSD New (BSD 3)
streamApache 2.0
superdevmode-launcher-legacyApache 2.0
testngApache 2.0
testng-pluginApache 2.0
thrift-serverApache 2.0
trang-coreNew BSD
trilead-ssh2Custom license
validation-apiApache 2.0
velocityApache 2.0 intellij
xbeanApache 2.0
xercesImplApache 2.0
xml-apisApache 2.0
xmlgraphics-commonsApache 2.0
xmlrpcApache 2.0 intellij
xmlrpc-clientApache 2.0
xmlrpc-commonApache 2.0
xmlrpc-ws-commons-utilApache 2.0
xpp3Apache 1.1
yjp-controller-api-redistBSD 3 Clause License


Most JS libraries are installed from NPM and their licenses are gathered by ring-license-checker

Library nameLicense nameLicense URLComment
Last modified: 13 July 2017