Upgrade with a ZIP distribution
Follow this instruction to upgrade your existing Upsource installation (ZIP or Docker) to a newer one using a ZIP distribution. Upgrade procedures vary significantly depending on the version increment (i.e. 3.5 to 2017.1 vs 2017.1.0 to 2017.1.5) as outlined below.
- If you are upgrading to version 2017.1, please Create a backup while your existing Upsource installation is running. You can omit this step for patch updates (i.e. 2017.1.0 to 2017.1.5), but only if your existing installation is a ZIP.
- If your current Upsource installation is set up to work with a stand-alone (external) Hub, please upgrade Hub to the latest version before you proceed any further.
- Stop Upsource:
<upsource_home>\bin\upsource.bat stop
- Use your operating system's tools to make sure that all Java processes launched by Upsource are no longer running. (On Windows, you can use Process Explorer.)
- If there are no Upsource-related Java processes outstanding, proceed to step 4.
- If there are Upsource-related Java processes still running:
- (Optional, Windows only) Please consider taking thread dumps from those processes using the jstack tool (on Windows, it's available under <upsource_home>/internal/java/windows-amd64/bin) and provide the thread dumps to JetBrains for investigation.
- Kill the outstanding process trees.
- If your <upsource_home> directory name is not build-specific, rename <upsource_home> to Upsource.old (you can use another name).
- Download and unpack the zip archive with a new Upsource build.
Start Upsource (new instance):
<upsource_home>\bin\upsource.bat start
It will open Configuration Wizard in your default browser:
In this step, select the location of your previous installation or backup to upgrade from:
Specify the location of a backup (you should have it, see Step 1) if you are:
- Upgrading any older ZIP installation to version 2017.1.
- Upgrading any Docker installation to any newer version, including patch-upgrades (i.e. 2017.1.1 to 2017.1.2).
The location of a backup is a date-specific directory inside the backups folder.
Specify the location (the home directory) of your previous installation only if you are patch-upgrading a 2017.1 ZIP installation (i.e. 2017.1.1 to 2017.1.2).
Click Next. -
Now you can verify and change (if necessary) your system settings and location of system directories:
Click Upgrade when you're done.
Wait a little for Upsource to launch its components:
As soon as it's done, it will open its welcome page.