Searching for users, projects, and files
Click the search icon in the top-right corner to turn it into a search box:

The omni-search box lets you find users and projects in your Upsource installation. You can also find files across projects, including deleted files.
The search box is context-dependent: if you’re looking at a particular revision or a review, searches will be limited to that revision (review), but if you perform a search from the entry page, Upsource will present the most relevant results from all projects and branches.
To find a project:
On the Upsource entry page, start entering the project name into the search box.
Select the desired project from the drop-down suggestions list, under Projects.
To find a user:
To search across all projects, go to the entry page. To search within a specific project, go to that project's home page.
Type the user name into the search box.
Select the user from the drop-down suggestions list, under Users.
To find a file:
You can
search across all projects
limit your search to a specific project
limit your search to a specific revision
by going to a corresponding page
Type the file name into the search box.
Select the file from the drop-down suggestions list.