Commenting without creating a review
Whenever you spot some minor issue in your teammate's code, want to post a reminder note, or start an informal discussion—you can leave comments without creating a review. These comments are posted from the revision page and are considered part of the revision.
Same as with the review comments, you can address them to the revision author and other participants, and reply to the comments left by others.
There are three types of comments:
Revision comment is not tied up to any particular file or part of code—its subject matter may be anything within the scope of the revision.
Code selection comment is intended to pinpoint a particular code fragment in one of the files in the revision.
Line comment is associated with a specific line of code.
If the revision you're commenting is covered by a review, you may choose to include your comments in that review.
To post a revision comment:
In the revision home view, type your message in the text field at the bottom and click Start new discussion:
To post a code selection comment:
Open the file and go Side-by-side diff or View file.
Select the lines you want to discuss and choose Comment on selection from the pop-up menu.
Type in your message and click Add Comment:
To post a line comment:
In the revision home view expand the file and select the line you want to comment on by clicking the edit icon to the left:
Enter your message in the text box and click Add comment:
Posted code selection comments and line comments are embedded in code and highlighted with yellow.

When a discussion thread comes to a logical end, either you or the revision author can mark it as resolved.