Creating a project—General
Project name: Give your project a name and type it in.
Project ID: Created automatically based on the specified project name, but can be modified if necessary.
Code review ID pattern: A naming pattern that will be used in code review IDs. Created automatically based on the specified project name, but can be modified if necessary.
See what is supported for each VCS in a comparison table.
Choose the tab that corresponds to your VCS and specify its parameters as described below:
Git hosting provider: Choose your hosting provider from the drop-down list. If the repository is hosted by your organization's server, select Generic.
Repository URL: Examples:
Authentication method: Choose the preferred method: Anonymous, Password, or SSH and specify credentials to connect to your VCS
Import pull (merge) requests as branches: Available for all GIT hosting providers (except generic). Enable it to show pull requests as branches in Upsource.
Synchronize comments and pull requests: Available for GitHub—see instruction.
Synchronize comments and merge requests: Available for GitLab—see instruction.
Repository URL: Format:
Authentication method: Choose the preferred method: Anonymous or Password and specify credentials to connect to your VCS
Important: In order for Upsource to recognize a Mercurial repository, you need to:
install a Mercurial client on your Upsource server.
Specify PATH to the hg executable in your system environment variables.
- Restart Upsource
Server name: Example:
Authentication method: Choose the preferred method: Anonymous or Password and specify credentials to connect to your VCS
Workspace mapping:
To include the entire project, specify:
To include only selected directories of the project, list these directories followed by corresponding directories in Upsource (divided by a space). Example:
//depot/project1/directory1/... //upsource/depot/project1/directory1/... //depot/project1/directory2/... //upsource/depot/project1/directory2/...
Important: In order for Upsource to recognise a Perforce repository, you need to:
Download and install Perforce Command-Line Client on the machine with your Upsource installation.
For macOS and Linux, specify PATH to _P4:COMMAND LINE_ in your system environment variables (see P4 instructions ).
- Restart Upsource
Repository URL: Example:
Authentication method: Choose the preferred method: Anonymous, Password, or SSH and specify credentials to connect to your VCS
Branches: you can define one or more SVN paths where Upsource should be looking for SVN branches. Use rules like +: or -: to include or exclude branches. Branch paths are relative to the repository URL specified above. Pattern may contain one * to match any number of characters in directory name.
Example for a standard SVN layout:
+:trunk +:branches/*
Multi-repository setup
Project is hosted in multiple repositories: Select this option if your project is divided into a few separate repositories but building this project requires fetching all the repositories into specific locations under the root directory. Mapping multiple repositories allows you to watch and review changes in all of them from a single Upsource project.
Click Add repository and specify the following settings for each repository:
Mount path: Specify a directory inside your project where this VCS root will reside.
Mapping ID: A unique ID of the VCS repository. It's generated automatically, but you can specify your own.
Check interval
Check interval: Reflects how often Upsource checks for new revisions in the repository (every 300 seconds by default.)
If commits to your repository aren't usually made this frequently, consider setting Check interval to a larger value.
Create user groups: Let Upsource create the following user groups for you:
Code viewers
Project admins
or leave it unchecked to create them yourself later.
A group is a collection of users where each has the same permissions or Roles (sets of permissions).