Locating reviews
There is a number of ways to discover reviews and their status across the entire project.
To see the reviews you've created or have been added to as a participant, you can:
Click Reviews ..
to go to the Reviews page:
The reviews in the list can be filtered out and limited to a specific group:
Created— reviews in which you participate as an author.
Assigned— reviews in which you participate or are expected to participate as a reviewer.
Has concern— reviews where you participate as an author and that contain changes that reviewers raised concern about.
Mentioned— reviews in which you participate in any role.
Completed— reviews which have been completed by reviewers and which you are expected to close.
You can also sort the list in a preferred order:
Each review also has Read/ Unread status which gives you a hint whether you've already opened this review or not. You can change the status manually, for example, marking a review you participate in as unread if you wish to come back to it later:
You can search for specific reviews using various search parameters.
You can also browse all reviews in the project by scrolling through the revision list:
Revisions under a review are marked with a clickable Review icon
linking to the review home page. Closed reviews are greyed out.