
Searching for revisions

Last modified: 02 April 2021

The search field at the top of the revisions list on the project home page allows you to find a specific revision using various search criteria:


You can also:

  • Search for commits adjacent to the specified commit ID

    Example: around: 39fa60b

  • Search for time spans

    Example: date: 2015-Jul-23..2015-Dec-05 will return all the commits made between the specified dates including the closing one.

  • Perform complex searches combining different criteria and binary operators (and, or, not)

    Example: author: {Travis Wickett} and (date: 2015-Oct-12..2015-Nov-01) will return all the commits made by the specified author during the specified period of time.

  • Use the following predefined shortcut keywords:

    #mergeFind all merge commits
    #reviewFind all revisions included in reviews
    #{open review}Find all revisions included in open (pending or resolved) reviews
    #{closed review}Find all revisions included in closed review