WebStorm 2021.1 Help

SVN Checkout Options dialog

This dialog appears when you have selected the repository you want to check out and the destination folder.

CheckoutThis read-only field shows the selected source repository.
DestinationFrom this list, select the directory to create the working copy in. Choose one of the available folders or click Browse the Browse button and select the relevant folder in the dialog that opens.
Update / Switch to revisionIn this area, specify the revision to check out. The available options are:
  • HEAD- select this option to have the latest revision checked out.

  • Specified- select this option to have WebStorm check out a specific earlier revision. Type the revision number in the text box or click Browse the Browse button and select the relevant revision from the Changes Browse that opens.

DepthUse this drop-down list to specify the range of recursion into subdirectories. The available options are:
  • Empty: select this option to involve only the current file.

  • Files: select this option to involve the files in the folder.

  • Immediates: select this option to involve direct children of the current file.

  • Infinity: select this option to enable full recursion.

Include external locationsSelect this checkbox to have externals included in the working copy.
Last modified: 08 March 2021