WebStorm 2022.3 Help

Services tool window

The Services tool window includes various services that help you during software development: run/debug configurations, application servers, database sessions, Docker connections, and so on. Plugin developers can add other services through the IntelliJ platform API.

Main toolbar

The main toolbar contains the following buttons and menus that are common for all service types:

The Expand All button Expand All Ctrl+NumPad +

Expand all items in the list.

The Collapse All button Collapse All Ctrl+NumPad -

Collapse all items in the list.

The Group By menu Group By

Choose how you want to organize the list of services.

The Filter menu Filter

Choose how you want to filter the list of services.

The Open in New Tab button Open in New Tab

Move the selected items to a separate tab.

The Add Service menu Add Service Alt+Insert

Choose a service type to add.

Run/debug configurations

Run/debug configurations are not listed in the Services tool window by default. You need to explicitly specify the types of configurations you want to be available and create the corresponding configurations.

Add Run/Debug configurations to the Services window

  1. Select View | Tool Windows | Services from the main menu or press Alt+8.

  2. In the Services tool window, click Add service, then select Run Configuration Type.

    Services tool window: Add run configuration
  3. Select a run/debug configuration type from the list to add all configurations of this type to the window.

    Note that the tool window will only display the configuration types for which you have created one or more configurations.

Buttons on the toolbar depend on the selected type of the run/debug configuration.




The Run button

Run Ctrl+Shift+F10

Run the selected configuration.

The Debug button

Debug Ctrl+Shift+D

Debug the selected configuration.

The Stop button

Stop Ctrl+F2

Stop the selected configuration.


This type of service is available if you have configured connection settings for at least one Docker instance. For more information, see Connect to the Docker daemon.

Add a Docker connection

  1. Click the New Service menu and select Docker Connection.

  2. Configure the docker connection settings in the New Docker Connection dialog.

Main Docker node

These are the main actions for working with the selected Docker connection:




The Connect button


Connect to the Docker daemon and list all available images and containers.

The Disconnect button


Disconnect from the Docker daemon.

The Edit Configuration button

Edit Configuration

Edit the Docker connection settings.

The Deploy button


Select an existing Docker run configuration or create a new one. For more information, see Running containers

Delete Connections

Delete Connections

Delete the connection to the selected Docker daemon.

The Pull Image button

Pull Image…

Pull an image from a Docker registry. For more information, see Pull an image from a Docker registry.

The Clean Up button

Clean Up

Remove all stopped containers, unused volumes and networks, dangling images, and all build caches.


This node lists all containers managed by the corresponding Docker daemon.




The Clean Up button

Clean Up

Remove all stopped containers.

When you select a container, the following actions are available:




The Start Container button

Start Container

Run the selected container.

The Stop Container button

Stop Container

Stop the selected container.

The Delete Container button

Delete Container

Delete the selected container.

Container dashboard

The Dashboard tab provides important information about the selected container:

  • Name and hash ID of the container. You can click the image name to highlight the image that was used to run the selected container.

  • Names and values of environment variables defined in the container.

  • Ports mappings between the container and the host.

  • Volume bindings between the container and the host.

Click Add to add a new variable, port binding, or volume binding, and recreate the container.

Click the More button to open a menu with some additional actions:



Show Log

Open a tab with the log messages from the container's standard output streams: STDOUT and STDERR.

For more information, see the docker logs command reference.

Show Files

Open a tab with the file browser for the running container.

Select any file and click The View in Editor button to open it remotely in the editor or click The Download to Scratches button to create a copy of the file as a scratch.


Run docker inspect on the container and output it to a separate tab.

Copy Image ID

Copy the hash ID of the image used to run this container.

Copy Container ID

Copy the hash ID of the container.


This node lists all images managed by the corresponding Docker daemon.




The Pull Image button

Pull Image…

Pull an image from a Docker registry. For more information, see Pull an image from a Docker registry.

The Clean Up button

Clean Up

Remove all unused images.

When you select an image, the following actions are available:




The Create Container button

Create Container

Create a Docker container from the selected image.

The Delete Image button

Delete Image

Remove the selected image.

The Copy Docker Image button

Copy Docker Image

Copy an image from one Docker daemon to another. For more information, see Copy image to another Docker daemon.

The Push Image button

Push Image…

Push an image to a Docker registry. For more information, see Push an image to a Docker registry.

Image dashboard

The Dashboard tab provides important information about the selected image:

  • Name, hash ID, date of latest changes, and size of the image.

  • List of tags that point to the image.

  • List of existing containers created from this image.

It also includes some useful actions for the selected image:



The Create Container button Create Container

Create a Docker container from the selected image.

The Push Image button Push Image

Push an image to a Docker registry. For more information, see Push an image to a Docker registry.

The Show Layers button Show Layers

Open a tab that shows the layers (intermediate internal untagged images) from which the selected image consists.

Click the More button to open a menu with some additional actions:



Copy Image ID

Copy the hash ID of the selected image.


Run docker inspect on the selected image and output it to a separate tab.

Show Labels

Open a tab with the image's labels.


This node lists all networks managed by the corresponding Docker daemon.




The Create Network button

Create Network

Create a Docker network for your containers to operate.

The Clean Up button

Clean Up

Remove all unused networks.

Network dashboard

The Dashboard tab provides important information about the selected network:

  • Name and hash ID of the network.

  • List of containers connected to this network.

  • List of labels assigned to this network.

Click Inspect to run docker inspect on the selected network and output it to a separate tab.


This node lists all volumes managed by the corresponding Docker daemon.




The Create Volume button

Create Volume

Create a Docker volume for your containers to use.

The Clean Up button

Clean Up

Remove all unused volumes.

When you select a volume, the following actions are available:




The Delete Volume button

Delete Volume

Remove the selected volume.

Volume dashboard

The Dashboard tab provides important information about the selected volume:

  • Name or hash ID of the volume.

  • List of containers that use this volume.

It also includes some useful actions for the selected volume:



The Inspect button Inspect

Run docker inspect on the selected image and output it to a separate tab.

The Delete Volume button Remove

Remove the selected volume.

Click the More button to open a menu with some additional actions:



Show Labels

Open a tab with the volume's labels.

Main Docker Compose node




The Deploy button


Deploy your selected Docker Compose services using the associated run/debug configuration. For more information, see Docker Compose

The Stop button


Stop all containers in the selected Docker Compose services.

The Down button


Stop and remove all containers in the selected Docker Compose services, including all related networks, volumes, and images.

The Edit Configuration button

Edit Configuration

Edit the selected Docker Compose run configuration.

The Filter button


Choose whether you want to show or hide containers that are not running and images with no tags.

Docker Compose services




The Start button


Start all containers for the selected service.

The Stop button


Stop all containers for the selected service.

The Scale button


Change the number of containers for the selected service.

The Delete Container button

Delete Container

Delete the selected container.

The Filter button


Choose whether you want to show or hide containers that are not running and images with no tags.

Productivity tips

Use tabs

The Services tool window can include a lot of services, which you can group according to their type or create separate tabs for your own custom grouping. For example, you can create a tab that will include the following: the run configuration for the application that you are developing, the Docker container that runs the database used as a backend for your application, and a console for accessing the database.

Hide the services tree

Click The Show Options Menu button in the right part of the Services tool window toolbar and then click Show Services Tree to remove the checkbox. You can also press Ctrl+Shift+T to toggle the services tree.

If you hide the services tree, it is replaced by a services navigation bar. Press Alt+Home to focus the services navigation bar.

Hide, remove, and delete services

Right-click any service and select Delete Delete to completely remove the corresponding run configuration, cloud provider, Docker connection, and so on.

If you don't want to show run/debug configurations of a certain type in the Services tool window, right-click the corresponding configuration and select Remove Configuration Type from Services. This will not remove the actual configuration.

To hide a specific run configuration from the Services tool window, right-click the corresponding configuration and select Hide Configuration. To see all hidden run configurations, click the Add Service menu and select Restore Hidden Configurations.

Last modified: 17 January 2023