| Stop | Click this button to cancel execution of a command without closing the tool window. |

| To previous command CtrlAlt0↑ | Click this button to navigate to the previous command. |

| To next command CtrlAlt0↓ | Click this button to navigate to the next command. |

| Use Soft Wraps | Click this toggle button to have the soft wrap mode applied to the output. |

| Scroll to the end | Click this button to navigate to the bottom of the output tab named after the last invoked command. |

| Print | Click this button to have the contents of the console printed out. Upon clicking the button, WebStorm opens the Print dialog, where you can configure the printing procedure and output. |
 | Clear All | Click this button to remove all text from the console. This function is also available from the context menu of the console. |

| Export to Text Alt0O | Click this button to have the results of executing commands saved in a text file. In the Export Preview dialog, that opens, specify the target file, and click Save. |

| CtrlShiftF4 | Click this button to close the tool window. If one or more commands are still running, the Command Line Tool dialog opens. Specify whether you want to stop them or leave running in the background by clicking one of the following buttons: Terminate and close Close without terminating