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Configure browsers

Last modified: 06 September 2023

WebStorm is shipped with a predefined list of most popular browsers that you may install and launch automatically from the IDE during running, debugging, or previewing the output of an HTML file. WebStorm presumes that you install browsers according to a standard procedure and assigns each installation an alias which stands for the default path to the browser's executable file or macOS application. In addition to the browsers from the default list, you can configure custom browser installations.

WebStorm has a built-in web server that can be used to preview and debug your application. This server is always running and does not require any manual configuration. All the project files are served on the built-in server with the root URL http://localhost:<built-in server port>/<project root>, with respect to the project structure.

By default the built-in server port is set to the default WebStorm port 63342 through which WebStorm accepts connections from services. To change this default value, open the Settings dialog (CtrlAlt0S), go to Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger, and in the Built-in Server specify any other value starting from 1024.