Angular is a popular framework for building cross-platform applications. WebStorm provides support for Angular and helps you on every step of the development process – from creating a new Angular app and working on the components to debugging and testing it.
Make sure the Angular and AngularJS plugin is enabled in the settings. Press CtrlAlt0S to open settings and then select Plugins. Click the Installed tab. In the search field, type Angular and AngularJS. For more information about plugins, refer to Managing plugins.
Create a new Angular application
The recommended way to start building a new Angular application is Angular CLI, which WebStorm downloads and runs for you using npx. As a result, your application is bootstrapped with a ready-to-use TypeScript and Webpack configuration.
Of course, you can download Angular CLI yourself or create an empty WebStorm project and install Angular in it.
Click New Project on the Welcome screen or select File | New | Project from the main menu. The New Project dialog opens.
In the left-hand pane, choose Angular CLI.
Specify the path to the folder where the project-related files will be stored.
In the Node Interpreter field, specify the Node.js interpreter to use. Select a configured interpreter from the list or choose Add to configure a new one.
From the Angular CLI list, select npx --package @angular/cli ng.
Alternatively, for npm version 5.1 and earlier, install the @angular/cli package yourself by running npm install -g @angular/cli in the TerminalAltF12. When creating an application, select the folder where the @angular/cli package is stored.
In the Additional parameters field, specify the extra ng new options to pass to Angular CLI. Code completion is available in this field: as you start typing the name of an option or press CtrlSpace, WebStorm shows you the available options and their description.
If you are using Angular version 16 or later, you can also select the Create new project with standalone components checkbox. Learn more from the Angular official website.
When you click Create, WebStorm generates an Angular-specific project with all the required configuration files and downloads all the necessary dependencies.
Create an empty WebStorm project
Click New Project on the Welcome screen or select File | New | Project from the main menu. The New Project dialog opens.
In the left-hand pane, choose Empty Project.
Specify the path to the folder where the project-related files will be stored.
When you click Create, WebStorm creates and opens an empty project.
Install Angular in an empty project
Open the empty project where you will use Angular.
In the embedded Terminal (AltF12) , type:
npm install @angular/core
That will install the core Angular package with the critical runtime parts of the framework.
You may also need to install other packages that are parts of Angular, refer to the list of packages.
Start with an existing Angular application
The recommended way to start a new Angular application is Angular CLI. Only in this case your application is bootstrapped with a ready-to-use TypeScript and Webpack configuration.
To continue developing an existing Angular application, open it in WebStorm and download the required dependencies.
Open the application sources that are already on your machine
Click Open on the Welcome screen or select File | Open from the main menu. In the dialog that opens, select the folder where your sources are stored.
Check out the application sources from your version control
Click Clone Repository on the Welcome screen.
Alternatively, select File | New | Project from Version Control or Git | Clone or VCS | Get from Version Control from the main menu.
Instead of Git in the main menu, you may see any other Version Control System that is associated with your project. For example, Mercurial or Perforce.
In the dialog that opens, select your version control system from the list and specify the repository to check out the application sources from. For more information, refer to Check out a project (clone).
Download the dependencies
Click Run 'npm install' or Run 'yarn install' in the popup:
Alternatively, select Run 'npm install' or Run 'yarn install' from the context menu of package.json in the editor or in the Project tool window Alt01.
Project security
When you open a project that was created outside WebStorm and was imported into it, WebStorm displays a dialog where you can decide how to handle this project with unfamiliar source code.
Select one of the following options:
Preview in Safe Mode: in this case, WebStorm opens the project in a preview mode. It means that you can browse the project's sources but you cannot run tasks and script or run/debug your project.
WebStorm displays a notification on top of the editor area, and you can click the Trust project link and load your project at any time.
Trust Project: in this case, WebStorm opens and loads a project. That means the project is initialized, project's plugins are resolved, dependencies are added, and all WebStorm features are available.
Don't Open: in this case, WebStorm doesn't open the project.
WebStorm provides predefined live templates for creating Angular components, such as a-component, a-component-inline, and a-component-root.
For more information about live templates, refer to Live templates.
To view a full list of predefined templates, open the Settings dialog (CtrlAlt0S) , go to Editor | Live Templates, and expand the Angular node.
In the editor, press Ctrl0J, select the appropriate template (for example, a-component) from the list, and then press Enter.
WebStorm generates a component stub, places the caret at a field with canvas, and waits for you to specify the component name there. As you type the component name, the name of the selector and the template URL are filled in automatically in accordance with the Angular Style Guide.
If necessary, make the new component standalone using the inspection pop-up.
In WebStorm, you can create a bunch of files for an Angular component in one action and even place them all in a separate folder. To do that, you need to use a file template with several child templates. When you create a file from the parent template, the related files from the child templates are generated automatically. For more information, refer to Templates with multiple files.
Suppose you want to create an example folder with a bunch of component files, for example, example.component.ts for logic, example.component.html for the template, and example.component.css for styles. You can create a file template with two parent templates so all the three files will be generated at once and placed in a separate folder.
In the Settings dialog (CtrlAlt0S) , select Editor | File and Code Templates.
First create a template for a TypeScript component file:
In the Files tab, click the Add button () on the toolbar.
A new, Unnamed, template is added to the list.
In the right-hand pane, specify the template name, let it be Angular Component, and component.ts as the file extension.
In the File name field, type $NAME/$NAME.
Optionally, add a code template, for example:
* Created by ${USER} on ${DATE}
import{ Component } from '@angular/core';
Click Apply.
Create a child template for the related HTML file:
Select the parent template Angular Component and click the Create Child Template File button on the toolbar.
A child template is added below the Angular Component template.
In the right-hand pane, type $NAME/$NAME in the File name field and specify the component.html extension.
Click Apply.
Create a child template for the related Style Sheet.
Select the parent template Angular Component and click on the toolbar. A child template is added below the Angular Component template.
In the right-hand pane, type $NAME/$NAME in the File name field and specify the component.css extension.
Click OK to save the templates.
Create the component files.
From the context menu of the folder where you want to store the component files, select New | Angular Component. In the dialog that opens, specify the name that will be used for the folder and for the component files in it (example in this example).
Extract a component from a template
The Extract Angular component refactoring works by running ng generate component, taking schematic preferences inside your angular.json file into account.
In an HTML template file, select the code fragment that you want to extract into an Angular component.
From the context menu of the selection, choose Refactor | Extract Component.
Alternatively, press CtrlAltShift0T and select Extract Component from the Refactor This popup.
In the dialog that opens, specify the name of the new component.
Write the function you need. WebStorm runs an inspection and highlights the new function as unresolved.
Hover over the highlighted function and click the Create signal '<function name>' link in the popup.
Alternatively, place the cursor at the highlighted function, press AltEnter, and select Create signal '<function name>'.
WebStorm brings you to the component TypeScript file where a stub of the new signal is generated. Fill in the placeholders as necessary.
When you create a signal manually, WebStorm suggests completion variants as you type.
Configure highlighting for Angular signals
Press CtrlAlt0S to open settings and select Editor | Color Scheme | Angular Template.
Select Signal in the list and click the color indication next to Foreground.
Select the color you prefer and click Apply.
Navigate through an Angular application
When working on Angular projects you have to jump between different component files, such as TypeScript, template, and style files. To navigate around your code, you can use the following options:
To call the Related Symbol popup with a list of related files, perform one of the following actions:
Press CtrlAltHome.
Select Navigate | Related Symbol from the main menu.
Right-click any area in the editor and select Go To | Related Symbol.
In a TypeScript component file, the popup also lists all the symbols that were imported into this file.
To open a file, select it and press Enter. Alternatively, use the numbers associated with each file type:
The TypeScript file with the component class
Add new features with ng add
In projects that use Angular CLI 6 or later, you can use the Angular Dependency action to add new libraries. This action runs the ng add command which installs the dependency and updates the app with a special installation script. Note that not all libraries support installation with ng add.
Select File | New from the main menu or press AltInsert in the Project tool window Alt01, and then select Angular Dependency.
From the list, select the library to add. The list shows the libraries that can be definitely installed with ng add. To install a package that is not on the list, scroll to its end and double-click the Install package not listed above link, then specify the package name in the dialog that opens.
The list of packages that can be installed with ng add is available on GitHub.
Follow the steps of the wizard.
The example below illustrates adding Angular Material to a project.
If you manage dependencies manually through your package.json, WebStorm still recognizes packages that support ng add. When you add such package to package.json, WebStorm suggests installing it with ng add.
Generate code with Angular Schematics
WebStorm can generate code using both schematics defined in libraries like @angular/material and those defined in Angular CLI itself.
Select File | New from the main menu or press AltInsert in the Project tool window, and then select Angular Schematic.
From the list, select the relevant schematic. Start typing the name of the schematics, the list shrinks as you type.
In the dialog that opens, specify the name of the schematic to be generated and additional options, if necessary. WebStorm shows the description of the schematic and provides code completion and description for available options.
Configure the TypeScript Language Service
Press CtrlAlt0S to open settings and then select Languages&Frameworks | TypeScript | Angular.
Alternatively, click the Language Services widget on the status bar, select Angular TypeScript, and click .
Specify the service to get coding assistance for .ts files from. That can be WebStorm integration with the TypeScript Language Service or only the internal WebStorm parser and code inspections.
By default, the Auto option is selected so WebStorm automatically enables integration with the TypeScript Language Service and Angular Language Service in any appropriate context. As a result, type evaluation is performed based on the data from the TypeScript Language Service while internal WebStorm inspections are also applied.
Select the Disabled option to get coding assistance based only on the data from the internal WebStorm parser and inspections.
Select the Use types from server checkbox to evaluate types of symbols based on the data from the Angular Language Service.
By default, the checkbox is cleared, so type evaluation, resolution, code inspections and refactorings are based on the type information from the WebStorm internal TypeScript engine.
This default behavior may result in performance issues and in bugs in type resolution because the type evaluation algorithm that the WebStorm internal TypeScript engine uses differs from the algorithm of the Angular Language Service. Selecting the checkbox may help avoid these problems.
Some of the code highlighting and completion are always retrieved from the appropriate Language Service, if the TypeScript Language Service checkbox on the TypeScript page is selected and Angular Language Service is in the Auto state, no matter whether the Use types from server checkbox is selected or cleared.
View parameter hints
In Angular HTML templates, Parameter hints show the names of parameters in methods and functions to make your code easier to read.
Configure parameter hints
Open the Settings dialog (CtrlAlt0S) and go to Editor | Inlay Hints.
Expand Angular HTML template under Parameter names.
Specify the context in which you want parameter hints shown by selecting the corresponding checkboxes.
The preview shows how the changes you make in the settings affect the code appearance.
For some methods and functions, WebStorm does not show parameter hints in any context. Click Exclude list... to view these methods and functions, possibly enable parameter hints for them, or add new items to the list.
To hide parameter hints for any value type in any context, clear the Angular HTML template checkbox under Parameter names.
Inspect your code
WebStorm brings a number of Angular-specific inspections that help you find errors as you edit your code and suggest quick-fixes for them.
In the example below, both a template and a templateUrl properties are used. WebStorm detects the error, warns you about it, and suggests a quick-fix.
Another example shows how WebStorm warns you about incorrect use of the *ngIf and *ngFor structural directives.
Angular-specific inspections help you identify improper usage of standalone components. In the example below, WebStorm detects an import statement for a component that is not standalone and suggests a wiock-fix for the problem.
You may find it handy to use quick-fixes for creating @Input and @Output properties from Angular component templates, both with or without a transform property. Note that the required import statements are also generated automatically.
WebStorm also provides context-aware Create Field and Create Method intention actions that help you generate properly declared fields.
View the list of Angular-specific inspections and configure them
In the Settings dialog (CtrlAlt0S) , go to Editor | Inspections.
Expand the Angular node.
Configure inspection profiles and severity, disable and suppress predefined inspections, and create custom ones as described in Code inspections.
Use Angular Material Design components
WebStorm recognizes Angular Material components and attributes and provides coding assistance for them:
Completion for components
Completion for attributes
Navigation between a component or an attribute and its declaration (press Ctrl0B or select Go To | Declaration from the context menu).
Install Angular Material
Open the embedded Terminal (AltF12) and type ng add @angular/material.
Add "@angular/material": "^16.2.11" under dependencies in your package.json and run npm install.
In the main menu, go to File | New | Angular Dependency, then select @angular/material from the list and follow the steps of the wizard that starts.
You can configure Angular-aware syntax highlighting according to your preferences and habits.
In the Settings dialog (CtrlAlt0S) , go to Editor | Color Scheme | Angular Template.
Select the color scheme, accept the highlighting settings inherited from the defaults or customize them as described in Colors and fonts.
Run an Angular application
Сlick in the gutter next to the start script in package.json, or run npm start in the TerminalAltF12, or double-click the start task in the npm tool window (View | Tool Windows | npm).
Wait till the application is compiled and the development server is ready.
The Run tool window or the Terminal shows the URL at which your application is running. If your application was generated with @angular/cli, the default URL is http://localhost:4200/. Click this link to view the application.
Run an Angular application via a run/debug configuration
For applications created with Angular CLI in the WebStorm New Project wizard as described above, WebStorm generates an npm configuration with the default name Angular CLI Server. This configuration runs the ng serve command that launches the development server and starts your application in the development mode.
Go to Run | Edit Configurations. Alternatively, select Edit Configurations from the Run widget on the toolbar.
In the Edit Configurations dialog that opens, click the Add button () on the toolbar and select npm from the list.
In the Configuration tab of the Run/Debug Configurations: npm dialog that opens, specify the location of the package.json, the Node.js interpreter, and the package manager to use.
In the Command field, select run from the list and then select the script to run from the Scripts list. Most likely it will be the default start script but you can configure another one in your package.json, for example, to run the application on a custom port.
To open the application in the browser, update the configuration as follows: in the Browser / Live Edit tab, select the After launch checkbox, select the browser to open the application in, and specify the URL address at which the application wil run.
From the list in the Run widget on the toolbar, select a run configuration of the type npm. This can be the autogenerated Angular CLI Server configuration or a custom one that you created yourself as described above.
Click .
Wait till the application is compiled and the development server is ready.
The Run tool window or the Terminal shows the URL at which your application is running. If your application was generated with @angular/cli, the default URL is http://localhost:4200/. Click this link to view the application.
Alternatively, enable WebStorm to open the application on start as described above.
When the development server is running, your application is automatically reloaded as soon as you change any of the source files and save the updates.
If you generated your application with Angular CLI, WebStorm has already created an npm configuration with the default name Angular CLI Server. The configuration is available from the Run widget and in the Run/Debug Configurations dialog.
In the Configuration tab of the Run/Debug Configurations: npm dialog that opens, specify the location of the package.json, the Node.js interpreter, and the package manager to use.
In the Command field, select run from the list and then select the script to run from the Scripts list. Most likely it will be the default start script but you can configure another one in your package.json, for example, to run the application on a custom port.
In the Browser / Live Edit tab, select the After launch checkbox, select Google Chrome or another Chromium-based browser from the list, select the with JavaScript debugger checkbox, and then specify the URL at which your application will run.
Click Run.
To re-run the configuration, select it from the list in the Run widget and click next to it.
WebStorm runs the application in the development mode and at the same time launches a debugging session.
Create a JavaScript Debug configuration. To do that, go to Run | Edit Configurations in the main menu, click , and select Javascript Debug from the list.
If you generated your application with Angular CLI, as described above, WebStorm has already created a JavaScript Debug run/debug configuration with the default name Debug Application and the default URL http://localhost:4200. Select this run/debug configuration from the list under the JavaScript Debug node.
In the Run/Debug Configurations: JavaScript Debug dialog that opens, specify the name of the configuration and the URL address at which the application is running in the development mode. You can copy this URL in the Run tool window or in the Terminal, as described above.
If you are using the autogenerated configuration, make sure the specified URL address is the one at which your application is actually running.
Click Debug.
To re-run the configuration, select it from the list in the Run widget and click next to it.
Start debugging from the Run tool window or from the built-in Terminal
If your application is running in the development mode on localhost, in particular, if it was generated with Angular CLI, you can launch a debugging session right from the >Run tool window or from the built-in Terminal.
Start the application in the development mode as described above and wait till the application is compiled and the development server is ready.
The Run tool window or the Terminal shows the URL at which your application is running. If your application was generated with @angular/cli, the default URL is http://localhost:4200/. Hold CtrlShift and click this URL link. WebStorm starts a debugging session with an automatically generated Angular Application configuration of the type JavaScript Debug.
Alternatively, select the autogenerated Angular Application configuration from the list and click the Debug button next to the list.
If you launched your application in the development mode from the New Terminal, you can just click the Start debugging in browser button next to the link.
The button is not available from the New Terminal in the WSL.
If you are using Node.js version 17 or later, during a debugging session you may face network connectivity issues that result in problems with attaching the debugger or with loading sourcemaps.
The workaround is to pass --host to the server by updating the start script in your package.json as follows:
"start":"ng serve --host="
Use several frameworks within a project
Sometimes you may need to use other frameworks within one Angular project.
To get context-aware coding assistance in each file, create a configuration file .ws-context and specify which framework should be used in each particular file or folder. The settings from this file will override the default configuration.
In the project root, select New | File from the context menu and specify .ws-context as the file name.