YouTrack Cloud 2023.3 Help

What's New

We deliver updates and improvements to YouTrack on a continuous basis. Here's an overview of the changes that are available in this version.

New Features



AI Assistance in YouTrack

Supercharge your teams by giving them direct access to our new AI Assistant. The assistant is powered by the JetBrains AI service that transparently connects you to a sophisticated LLM and enables specific AI-powered features inside YouTrack.

YouTrack’s AI Assistant can help you generate summaries for content and use generative AI when composing comments and replies.

Text Recognition

The latest version of YouTrack now comes with built-in optical character recognition. This feature lets users copy text from image attachments and even returns images that contain matching text in search results.

Pinned Comments

Draw attention to comments that contain crucial information or provide answers to frequently asked questions by pinning them to the top of the activity stream. This feature is available for issues and articles.

Other Enhancements

We’ve freshened up the interface for viewing single issues in YouTrack Classic, bringing some visual enhancements that were exclusive to YouTrack Lite. These updates are described in the Issues section of the documentation.

We’ve also given you greater control over the look and feel by letting you resize the fields panel and manage the density of the layout. To learn more, see Workspace Settings.

Discontinued Features



Right-to-Left Language Support

We realized that over time, we have implemented new features and views that don't have proper support for languages that are written from right to left. While we plan to address this oversight in the future, we thought it best to remove this option from the global settings.

Last modified: 29 February 2024