Audit Events
Events related to entities that are managed by the Hub service — creating, deleting, updating a user account, project, service, and so on — are logged and stored. A list of changes applied to issues and articles are available directly in the activity stream for each of these entities and are not shown on the Audit Events page.
To review a list of updates, open the Administration menu and select Server Settings > Audit Events. The target links provide access to the entities that are managed in Hub.
Service SettingsLinks in audit events for services provide access to internal settings that should not be modified. For example, you can accidentally deactivate the Hub integration and leave users unable to log in.
To avoid malfunction, please leave these settings in their default state.

You can also download information about any event as a JSON file for further investigation. Select one or more events in the list and click the Download as .json button.
This operation downloads the 1000 most recent events. If the JSON file doesn't include all the information you're looking for:
Filter the list of audit events to exclude activity that isn't relevant to your investigation.
Use the Hub REST API to retrieve events over the 1000-item cap.
Use the filter to display audit events that are more useful to your search.
The filter:
is case-insensitive
is prefix value matching when a command isn't used
is exact value matching when a command is used
doesn't except whitespace values
Enter a string to filter for events with a prefix matching string in the Target value position.

The filter for audit events accepts the following commands:
Command | Description |
after | Accepts dates for the Timestamp column values. Returns events with a timestamp after the entered date. |
afterId | Accepts integers for the event log ID numbers. Returns events with an ID higher than the entered ID number. |
author | Accepts strings for the Author column values. Returns events with an exact match for the author value. |
before | Accepts dates for the Timestamp column values. Returns events with a timestamp on or before the entered date. |
beforeId | Accepts integers for the event log ID numbers. Returns events with a matching ID or lower ID than the entered ID number. |
entityType | Accepts strings for the Target column entity type. Returns events with an exact match for the target entity type. |
event | Accepts strings for the Event column type. Returns events with an exact match for the event type. |
target | Accepts strings for the Target column values. Returns events with an exact match for the target value. |
The filter for audit events accepts the following operators:
Command | Description |
and | Returns filtered results that meet both conditions. |
not | Returns filtered results that don't meet the condition. |
or | Returns filtered results that meet one of the conditions. |

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