Import from Bugzilla
The import from Bugzilla lets you import projects, issues, issue history, comments, attachments, users, custom fields, tags, links, and work items from a Bugzilla service to YouTrack.
A setup wizard navigates you through the import configuration process. It prompts you to enter the connection settings and lets you map projects in YouTrack to projects in Bugzilla. If your Bugzilla project has a custom set of fields for issues, you can edit the import script in YouTrack directly.
YouTrack supports import from both stable and development branches of Bugzilla.
Before you import projects from Bugzilla to YouTrack, check the following requirements:
Your Bugzilla version is 5.0.4 or later.
Your YouTrack and Bugzilla installations are accessible to inbound connections. Specifically, you need to make sure that your network doesn't block connections between your Bugzilla installation and YouTrack.
Make sure that your Bugzilla installation has JSON Perl module (
packages) installed. Otherwise, the import will fail.Your user account in Bugzilla has administrative permissions.
You have direct access to log in to the source application using a password or token.
YouTrack's import engine doesn't support authentication through external authentication modules.
If the Bugzilla database contains references to entities that do not exist in YouTrack yet, they are created. The YouTrack user account you use to run the import should have permissions to create all imported entities. We recommend using an account with a System Admin role or the Low-level Admin Write permission to run the import.
Here is the list of entities that are imported from Bugzilla and their mapping to YouTrack entities:
Entity in Bugzilla | Entity in YouTrack |
Product | Project |
Bugs | Issues |
Bug history | Issue history |
Bug dependencies | Issue links of the |
Custom fields | Custom fields |
Comments | Comments |
Attachments | Attachments |
Work hours | Work items |
Users | Users |
User groups | User groups |
Before you add a new import configuration, you need to create a personal API Key that will grant access to the target project in Bugzilla. Then you can use it as the token for authorization when setting up the import in YouTrack.
To set up an import, first, you need to create a personal API key in Bugzilla.
Log in to Bugzilla with an account that is granted administrative permissions.
Navigate to the Preferences > API Keys page.
In the New API Key section, enable the Generate a new API key with optional description option, and provide a description for the key.
Click Submit changes.
The new API Key is added to the list.
The setup wizard guides you through the setup process.
Requires permissions: Low-level Admin Write
From the
Administration menu, select Integrations > Imports.
Click New import to open the setup dialog.
Select Bugzilla.
Settings for a New Import from Bugzilla are displayed.
Enter values for the following settings:
The URL of the target Bugzilla service.
The API Key that you have generated in Bugzilla for the user account that you use to access the target issues.
If required by your Bugzilla installation, enable the Use SSL key for client authentication option.
Click the Next button.
The second set of import settings is displayed.
Expand the Manage import for optional datasets section. Here you can configure the import engine to ignore certain parts of the source database during import.
Issue history
Disable this toggle to ignore historical changes of issues during import.
Issue links
Disable this toggle to ignore links between issues during import.
By default, these toggles are enabled. This means that YouTrack will pull historical changes and issue links from the import source if the import script supports it.
If the import script doesn't handle issue history or issue links, enabling any of these toggles will not result in importing these datasets. To import issue history or issue links, update the import script.
Select the source and target projects for the import. For more details about project mapping configuration, see Project Mapping.
Click the Start import button.
YouTrack will create a project of the same name as the target project in Bugzilla and import found issues, articles, and users.
If you have configured a project mapping, YouTrack will create new projects and import data to the existing ones according to the mapping.
When you have set up an import, it appears in the Imports list. To view configuration and import details, select the import configuration from the list.

In the details sidebar, YouTrack shows import status and details on the data that was imported.
Click the Resume button in the toolbar to explicitly start polling for changes and importing updates from the target Bugzilla projects.
You can also download the import log file to study and investigate when needed.
On the final step of the import setup, you can select those Bugzilla projects that you want to import to YouTrack. You can also choose whether to create a new project for the import or import data into an existing project in YouTrack.
YouTrack recognizes when a web address has already mapped a source project by a previous import. Imported source projects that have already been mapped in YouTrack aren't selectable. You can create multiple import jobs from the same source without importing duplicate data.

Locate those Bugzilla projects that you want to import.
Use the filter bar on the right to filter projects by name.
Select the projects that you want to import. Select the option at the top of the list to import all available Bugzilla projects.
Select a target YouTrack project for each Bugzilla project.
When loading the list of Bugzilla projects for mapping, YouTrack checks for existing YouTrack projects with corresponding names. If it finds a YouTrack project with the same name as the Bugzilla one, YouTrack suggests it as the target project.
If there is no existing YouTrack project with the corresponding name, YouTrack suggests creating a new one.
If you want to change a target project, select another option from the corresponding dropdown on the list.
Click Start import to finalize import setup and start the import.
Import starts.
After the initial import, the following controls are available in the sidebar:

Control | Description |
Disable/Enable | Disable or enable the import. This lets you keep the settings for an import even if you aren't using it. |
Resume | Immediately imports any changes made in the selected Bugzilla projects after the previous import. |
Edit | Opens the integration settings page in edit mode. Use this option to connect to a different Bugzilla service, update the API key, or update project mapping. |
Delete | Deletes the current import settings. Projects, issues, comments, users, and groups that were imported from the connected Bugzilla service are not affected. If you delete the import settings and connect to the same Bugzilla service, the issues are re-imported into existing projects with new issue IDs. |
Download import log | Downloads the import log. Use this option to view and investigate errors that occurred during import. |
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