
Last modified: 05 August 2024

YouTrack Cloud is a hosting platform that is designed and used by JetBrains to deliver YouTrack as a service. Each YouTrack Cloud instance is physically located on a server, hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

The number of instances per server depends on several parameters, such as database size and number of online users.  We permanently monitor each server load and activity to maintain well-balanced performance. When server activity reaches a certain level, we close this server for any new registrations.

  • The JetBrains Operations team is responsible for provisioning, monitoring, and managing the servers that host YouTrack Cloud instances.

  • The YouTrack Support team provides technical support to YouTrack Cloud subscribers.

We monitor these servers around the clock to ensure their availability and security. Even so, there are a number of things that you can do to protect your data. For more information, see Secure Your Instance.