Developer Portal for YouTrack and Hub

App Permissions

Last modified: 7 November 2024

The widget manifest supports a permissions field. This field lets you define permission-based visibility restrictions for each of the widgets supported by your app.

Permission-based visibility restrictions work like this:

  • Users only need to be granted one of the required permissions to be able to view and interact with the widget, even when multiple permissions are specified in the manifest.

  • For widget extension points with project scopes, project-category permissions are checked on a per-project basis. For example, if you require the project-category LINK_ISSUE permission to view a widget that uses the project-scoped ISSUE_BELOW_SUMMARY extension point, users will only see this widget when working with projects where they have been granted the LINK_ISSUE permission.

Permissions are listed in the permissions field of the widget manifest as an array. Each permission is referenced using its key.

Here is an example of a widget description in an app manifest that is restricted based on user's permissions:

Use the list on this page to locate the key for each permission. To learn more about permissions in YouTrack, see Permissions.