YouTrack Standalone 2017.1 Help

Customize the Issue List

The issue list shows a list of issues that match the search criteria that is defined in the search context and query. In the list view, you can customize the display to show information that is important to you or hide details that can become a distraction.

Set the Level of Detail

The toolbar has an option that lets you set the level of detail for issues in the list.

Select the level of detail

The following options are available:

Detailed viewEach issue is shown in a box. The following information is shown by default:
  • The issue ID.
  • The issue summary.
  • The list of tags that are attached to the issue.
  • The name of the user who reported the issue.
  • The first two to three lines of the description.
  • The month and date the issue was last updated. When you move the pointer over this field, the full date and time and the name of the user who updated the issue is shown.
  • The values currently set for each of the issue fields.
  • The presence of one or more attachments is indicated by the /help/img/youtrack/2017.1/iconAttachment.png icon.
  • Any visibility restriction is indicated by the /help/img/youtrack/2017.1/iconVisibility.png icon.
  • The number of votes for an issue. If you can vote for the issue, the /help/img/youtrack/2017.1/iconVote.png icon is enabled. The /help/img/youtrack/2017.1/iconVoted.png indicates that you have already voted for the issue. You can click this icon to take your vote back.
  • The number of comments that have been added to the issue. If there are one or more comments, you can click the /help/img/youtrack/2017.1/iconComment.png icon to show them. You can also add a new comment in the expanded view. If there are no comments, you can click this icon to add a comment.
Compact viewThis view displays the same information that is visible in the detailed view except for the issue summary.
One-line viewEach issue is shown on a single line in the list. The view is restricted to show only the following information by default:
  • The value that is stored in the Priority field, represented as an icon.
  • The issue ID.
  • The issue summary.
  • The list of tags that are attached to the issue.
  • The presence of one or more attachments is indicated by the icon.
  • Any visibility restriction is indicated by the /help/img/youtrack/2017.1/iconVisibility.png icon
  • The month and date the issue was last updated. When you move the pointer over this field, the full date and time and the name of the user who updated the issue is shown.
Tree viewThis view displays the same information that is visible in the one-line view. Issues that are subtasks of parent tasks are nested in a tree structure. If an issue that matches the current search context is a subtask of an issue that is outside the current search context, the parent task is shown in a lighter color.

The following controls are available in all views:

/help/img/youtrack/2017.1/iconSelect.pngSelect one or more issues in the list.
/help/img/youtrack/2017.1/iconStar.pngWatch (star) an issue.
/help/img/youtrack/2017.1/iconExpand.pngExpand the level of detail for a single issue.

Set Field Visibility

In addition to the level of detail, you can set the visibility of issue fields in the list. This option lets you hide issue fields that are not important to you and reduce visual clutter.

These settings only apply to your own account and do not affect the visibility of issue fields for other users.

To customize the issue fields that are shown in the list:

  1. Click the Visibility settings button.
  2. Select the fields you want to show in the list.
  3. Deselect the fields you do not want to show in the list.
  4. click the Save button. The list is updated to show only the values for the selected fields.
Last modified: 18 April 2017