YouTrack Standalone 2017.1 Help

Get Links of an Issue

GET /issue/{issue}/link

Get a list of all links of an issue.

GET /rest/issue/{issue}/link

Request parameters:

Name Type Description
issue issueById ID of an issue, for which we want to get the list of links.

Response parameters:

Name Description
typeName Name of a link type (please refer to the Issue Link Types page)
typeInward Name of inward link for this link type
typeOutward Name of outward link for this link type
target Issue id of target issue
source Issue id of source issue



GET http://localhost:8081/rest/issue/HBR-63/link Connection: keep-alive Cookie: $Version=0; JSESSIONID=n7hq7t8o49ae15sgbq5hn9ic; $Path=/;; $Path=/


HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 782 Server: Jetty(6.1.23) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <issueLinks> <issueLink typeInward="is required for" typeOutward="depends on" typeName="Depend" target="HBR-62" source="HBR-63"/> <issueLink typeInward="is duplicated by" typeOutward="duplicates" typeName="Duplicate" target="HBR-57" source="HBR-63"/> <issueLink typeInward="is duplicated by" typeOutward="duplicates" typeName="Duplicate" target="HBR-63" source="HBR-54"/> <issueLink typeInward="is related to" typeOutward="relates to" typeName="Relates" target="HBR-49" source="HBR-63"/> <issueLink typeInward="is related to" typeOutward="relates to" typeName="Relates" target="HBR-63" source="HBR-51"/> <issueLink typeInward="is required for" typeOutward="depends on" typeName="Depend" target="HBR-63" source="HBR-49"/> </issueLinks>
Last modified: 18 April 2017