YouTrack Standalone 2017.1 Help

Get the List of Issues

GET /issue

Get a list of issues for a search query.

GET /rest/issue?{filter}&{with}&{max}&{after}

Request parameters:

filterstringA query to search for issues. You can also specify several queries. Results for these search filters will be returned in subsequent blocks, a list of issues per each filter. For example, if you specify:
GET http://localhost:8081/rest/issue?filter=for%3A+me+%23Unresolved+%23Exception&filter=for%3A+me+%23Unresolved+%23Show-stopper

In the result xml the first block of issues will match the search query for:me #Unresolved #Exception, and after it, all issues that match the search query for:me #Unresolved #Show-stopper.

withstringList of fields that should be included in the result. For example, the request get /issue?with=comment&with=Priority returns a list of issues only with these specific fields in the result. Other fields will not be included in the result xml.
maxintegerMaximum number of issues to get. If not provided, only 10 issues will be returned by default.
afterintegerA number of issues to skip before getting a list of issues. For example, if you specify after=12 in the request, then in the response you will get all issues matching request but without the first twelve issues found.

Response parameters:

idIssue id in database
jiraIdIf issue was imported from JIRA, represents id, that it has in JIRA
projectShortNameShort name of the issue's project
numberInProjectNumber of issue in project
summarySummary of the issue
descriptionDescription of the issue
createdTime when issue was created (the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT represented by this date).
updatedTime when issue was last updated (the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT represented by this date).
updaterNameLogin of the user, that was the last, who updated the issue
resolvedIf the issue is resolved, shows time, when resolved state was last set to the issue (the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT represented by this date).
reporterNameLogin of user, who created the issue
voterNameLogin of user, that voted for issue
commentsCountNumber of comments in issue
votesNumber of votes for issue
permittedGroupUser group, that has permission to read this issue; if group is not set, it means that any user has access to this issue
commentRepresents issue comment (see Get Comments of an Issue)
tagTags, accessible to logged in user
fieldRepresent any field of the issue including custom fields (depending on name attribute). Number and type of fields depends on project settings.
Last modified: 18 April 2017