OAuth 2.0 Errors
Authorization Response Error Codes
Error code | Description | Solution |
invalid_request | The authorization request to Hub is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more
than once, or is otherwise malformed. | Check that all parameters are correct, that provided service_id exists, etc. |
unauthorized_client | The client is not authorized to request an authorization code using this method:
The redirect_URI of the service either is incorrect or
not provided. | - Make sure the provided redirectUri is correct and properly registered as one of the service's redirect URIs.
- Make sure your service provides at least one
redirect_uri in Hub.
unsupported_response_type | Hub does not support obtaining an authorization code using this method. | Try to change selected method of authorization. |
invalid_scope | The scope for which authorization is requested, does not match any registered service. | Make sure that request is correct. |
Token Response Error Codes
Definition of errors of issuing Access Token in the RFC6749 standard
Error code | Description | Solution |
The request is missing a required parameter, includes an
unsupported parameter value (other than grant type),
repeats a parameter, includes multiple credentials,
utilizes more than one mechanism for authenticating the
client, or is otherwise malformed.
Possible reasons: Authorization header in response is not of the Bearer type.
Also, a parameter in the token request may be malformed or missing.
| Please check the response header. Then check if the request is correct. |
Client authentication failed. For example, the client is unknown, no
client authentication included, or authentication method is unsupported.
Possible reasons:
- No service with the provided
clientServiceId was found.
- Authorization header was either of invalid format or not passed at all.
| |
Possible reasons:
- Refresh token was issued to another client service.
- Refresh token is unknown.
- Authorization code is unknown or is of invalid format.
- The service secret is of invalid format.
- Provided credentials of the service owner are invalid.
- Requested scope does not match allowed by access token
| |
| Possible reasons: The service that requests authorization token is not verified. | |
| Possible reasons: The authorization grant type is not supported by Hub. | |
| Possible reasons: The scope to which you are requiring access token does not match any registered
| Please check the request. |
Last modified: 18 April 2017